cod. 1003112

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
Discipline psico-pedagogiche, antropologiche e filosofiche
Type of training activity
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main objective is the acquisition of critical thinking in relation to specific case studies connected to the news (such as Rignano Flaminio as regards group dynamics, or Cittadella case as regards family conflicts). Other objectives are understanding, analyzing and interpreting social phenomena. At the end on the course the students will be able to develop autonomous professional judgment skills. Group discussion will have a significant role in the empowerment of the students skills through peer reviewing and comparison.


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Course unit content

The course is focused on the main group theories and explains studies and researches of social psychology and psychoanalytic approach.
The three monographs deal with themes linked to practical/concrete/operational aspects of group dynamics.

Historical and cultural changes of the family will be approached together with the new kinds of family structures. In particular, specific activities on the role and functions of the social assistant will be implemented

Full programme

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David G Myers Psicologia Sociale, ed. Mc Graw – Hill, 2009 Milano (cap. 1, cap 6, cap 8, cap 9, cap 11).

G. Badolato , M.G. Di Iullo , Gruppi Terapeutici e gruppi di formazione, ed Bulzoni 2007 Roma (parte prima cap. 1, cap 2; parte seconda cap 1, cap 2).

C. Bencivenga, R. di Benedetto, S. Leone Strumenti operativi per CTU e periti in ambito psicoforense - Linee guida, approfondimenti e prassi vigenti, ed Maggioli, 2014, Santarcangelo di Romagna. ( Cap. 3, 4, 5, 6 , 9, 13, 14).

Monografie e testi consigliati:

A Salvini, Ultrà – Psicologia del tifoso violento, ed Giunti 2004, Firenze – Milano.

Claudio Bencivenga,Alessandro Uselli: Adolescenti e Comunità Terapeutiche tra trasformazioni e nuove forme di malessere - Casa ed. Alpes Roma 2016.

L Migliorini, N Rania, L Venini, Gli adolescenti e la città. Ed Franco Angeli 2002 Milano

Teaching methods

Besides the frontal lessons documentaries on the course topics will be shown.
Students will be invited to provide personal researches, bibliographies and news articles on specific issues dealt during the lessons in order to apply their knowledge to specific contexts.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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