cod. 08619

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The aim of this course is to give the student the ability to acquire the basic principles of biochemistry, biology and genetics; learn and apply an evolutionary logic and perspective to interpreting the biological phenomena at different levels of organization (molecular, cellular, organismic); understand the correlation between structure and function at the different organizational levels.


Basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology

Course unit content

This is an intergated course including 3 teaching modules:
- General and applied Biology
-Chemistry and Biochemistry
-Developmental morphology and genetics.

Full programme

- Water: chemical and physical properties of water. Water as a solvent:
Weak interactions in aqueous systems. Dipoles and interactions between
different molecules. The hydrogen bonding. Osmosis. Ionization of water.
Acids, and bases. The pH. The buffer solutions and their function /
biological significance.
- Chemistry of carbon. Hydrocarbons and functional groups relevant to
biochemistry. Structural formulas of organic molecules and
nomenclature. The isomerism of organic molecules. Notes on homocyclic
and heterocyclic compounds and aromatic compounds.
- Reactions of functional groups relevant to biochemistry.
- Biological macromolecules:
1) Amino acids, peptide bond, and proteins. Notes on the threedimensional
structure of proteins. Structure-function relationships:
myoglobin and hemoglobin. Enzymes, elements of coenzymes and
2) simple and complex carbohydrates.
3) Lipids: triglycerides and phospholipids.
- Cellular Metabolism
1)ATP as energy exchanger.
2)Cellular respiration and metabolism of carbohydrates.
3)Notes on the metabolism of triglycerides and amino acids.

1. The Nature of science and biology: methods and organizing concepts. The unifying principle of biology: The Theory of Evolution. Darwinian Medicine. Origins and evolution of life on Earth
2. Cell Biology. Procaryotic and Eucaryotic cell. The cell cycle and reproduction: mitosis and meiosis. Male and female gametogenesis and their hormonal regulation. Evolution, consequences and adaptive significance of sexual reproduction.
3. The modern evolutionary synthesis. The Hardy-Weinberg Theorem. Microevolution and its causes. The origin of species. Macroevolution and Phylogeny.
4. Evolution of Vertebrates: an overview. Evolutionary trends in Primates: adaptations for acute vision. Early Anthropoids, Australopitecines and the genus Homo. The evolution of bipedal locomotion and brain in Hominids.
5. Biological Basis of human behavior: Basic concepts of genetic and evolution of behavior. The debate Nature vs Nurture. Imprinting and the attachment Theory. Evolutionary Bio-psychology.

Genes, genotype and phenotype. The chromosomes: structure and
Basic concepts of development: determination and differentiation,
development patterns in Metazoa: the Drosophila.
Development of the body patterns: segmentation genes.
Determination of sex.
Genetic control of eye development and evolution of the eye and


SOLOMON. Fondamenti di Biologia. Edises
Dispensa: Parmigiani, palanza. Lezioni di Biologia. Santa Croce Edizioni

-Morfologia e genetica dello sviluppo
Appunti dalle lezioni
Suzuki DT, Griffiths AJF, Miller JH, Lewontin RC. Genetica. Principi di Analisi Formale. Zanichelli

Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox

Modulo di Chimica e Biochimica: Chimica, Biochimica e Biologia Applicata
Massimo Stefani e Niccolò Taddei

Teaching methods

During classroom lectures the teacher illustrates and discusses the state of the art, concepts and experiments in a specific issue. The lectures will be in an interactive format and students are strongly encouraged to ask questions and insert comments.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

WRITTEN EXAMINATION with all modules of the course.
Multiple choice test on the whole program of the course (Biochemistry, Biology and Morphology and Developmental Genetics). The test consists of 48 multiple choice questions, with 16 questions for each module (Biochemistry, Biology and Morphology and Developmental Genetics) and the score for each module will be expressed out of thirty. The student must obtain at least 18/30 for each module and the final mark will correspond to the arithmetic average of the score obtained in each module.
In case of the PERSISTENCE OF THE HEALTH EMERGENCY, the exams will be conducted remotely by Teams and Elly platform.
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (”

Other information

Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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