cod. 1010732

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia comparata e citologia (BIO/06)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge of safety rules for access to laboratories for practical laboratory exercises
Knowledge of the different types of 3D bioprinters and their specific applications.
Knowledge of the different types of bioreactors and their specific applications.
Critical ability to be able to program the operation of the TissueStart ™ 3D bioprinter in the laboratory to reproduce scaffolds capable of more faithfully mimicking the human tissues that are to be reproduced.
Critical ability to be able to independently design and set up a modular multi-compartment fluidic bioreactor in the laboratory based on the organ or biological tissue to be reproduced


Basic knowledge of cell biology and physiology.
Basic knowledge of histology and embryology
Knowledge of cellular bioengineering.
Basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.

Course unit content

The course explores the basic concepts, procedures and the exploitation of methods for cognitive purposes
to recreate complex three-dimensional cell models in vitro, in line with the most recent developments in
tissue engineering techniques aimed at the reconstruction of tissues and organs in culture (scientific area
identified by the terms "in vitro tissue engineering" and "organ-on-chip") through which to analyze more
in detail key aspects of the composition, architecture and mechanics of the body's tissues
animal and human. It is widely recognized that such models can provide unprecedented tools for
summarize the processes of formation and organization of tissues in vivo and therefore offer new models of
study both in the field of basic and translational biology allowing to overcome the
animal experimentation.
The Course initially refers to the fundamental elements underlying the multicellular organization and
tissue, with particular reference to the phenomena that allow individual cells to assemble
multi-layered structures through interactions with each other and with their microenvironment. This by availing
of signals activated by these interactions and propagated at a chemical and biomechanical level
("Mechanotransduction") inside the cell. The Course then takes up the main cellular mechanisms
and molecular ones considered crucial for the morphogenesis, differentiation, homeostasis and regeneration of
tissues of vertebrate organisms to reach man.
The course intends to provide a detailed description of the most current techniques and procedures for
reconstruction of multicellular structures in vitro by investigating various aspects of these approaches, starting
from the selection, isolation and manipulation of the cellular elements with which to start the procedure e
ending with the methods of analysis of recreated tissues / organs.
The characteristics and properties of cellular elements available from biobanks will then be described e
other similar sources, the methods of isolation and purification of specific cell populations of interest
from tissues and biological fluids and the materials and devices to be used in the implementation of
cell / tissue cultures in the static and dynamic phase.
Particular attention will be given to the description of the supports that can be used to promote reconstruction
three-dimensional of multilayered cellular structures and their assumption of topological organizations and architectural corresponding to various tissues of the animal and human body, or of specific organs.
They will be
finally illustrated the spectrum of techniques for the study and monitoring at the molecular, cellular,
histological, organological and functional of the different cell populations constituting the tissues / organs
engineered, contemplating both collective analysis methods and at the single cell level.
The course also includes laboratory exercises where students will learn how to set up the bioreactors.

Full programme

- Inter-cellular interactions underlying the multi-layered assembly
- Chemical, physical, mechanical and biological properties of scaffolds and material biomaterials of
synthesis support
- Conventional and advanced techniques for the manufacture of scaffolds
- Release of bioactive molecules
- Cell / biomaterial interaction
- Scaffolds and tissue-specific supporting biomaterials
- Availability of cellular sources, methods of isolation and purification of cell populations
from human tissues and biological fluids.
- Devices and methods for static and dynamic cultures (bioreactors) of cells and tissues in
- Fields of application of biomimetic 3D models
- Scaffolds for the recreation of specific tissues
- Bioreactor culture techniques, examples and applications
- Immunophenotyping and engineering techniques of sensors and probes aimed at
study of the morphological and functional organization of engineered tissues
- Laboratory setup of modular multicompartmental fluidic bioreactors
TissueStart ™ 3D Printer Programming, Operation and Applications


Slides presented in class
In-depth scientific articles provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons in the classroom with slides projection
Guided visits to the laboratory
Laboratory exercises: Laboratory setup of modular multicompartmental fluidic bioreactors
TissueStart ™ 3D Printer Programming, Operation and Applications

Assessment methods and criteria

For the final evaluation of the student, the commission will assess the following requirements: level of knowledge of the topics covered by the questions, ability to present themselves, reasoning skills, creativity and connection with other topics of the Degree Program, through a written test with open questions and / or closed and oral.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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