Learning objectives
The course of Technical Architecture has the purpose of providing the cultural resources and basic operating to understand and tackle the main design issues related to the technological system of the building structure through a conscious use of materials and construction technologies aimed at respect of the environment and welfare of the people housed. The didactic program uses lectures, brief insights entrusted to experts and sector companies, guided tours in building site, classroom exercises.
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Course unit content
The building design in relation to the intervention scales and the different contextual scales: the historical fabric, the urban suburbs, the new building areas.
Types and methods of intervention on the existing building heritage.
The typological analysis of the built environment: the relationship between urban form and building typology; analysis and classification of building types.
The concept of quality of the urban environment: criteria for defining the various scales of design, construction and management. The components of architecture: evolutionary characters of the relationship between function, form, materials and construction techniques from the classical age to the modern period.
The technical and expressive skills of the main building materials: brick, c.c.a., steel, examples of significant achievements.
Techniques and materials for energy saving.
Full programme
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L. Caleca: Architettura Tecnica, D. Flaccovio Editore Palermo
Torricelli M. C., Del Nord R., Felli P., Materiali e tecnologie dell’architettura, Laterza, Bari, 2002.
Chiostri F., Furiozzi B., Pilati D., Sestini V., Tecnologia dell’architettura, Alinea, Firenze, 1993.
David Wright, “Abitare con il sole, abc dell’architettura naturale”, Franco Muzzio & c.
editore, Padova, 1981
Teaching methods
The teaching methods used in the classroom in relation to the training objectives consist of lectures, design workshops, seminars and visits.
Assessment methods and criteria
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Other information
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