Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student will have learned the basic concepts of automatic drawing that are indispensable for the correct management of digital drawings.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to apply the knowledge gained and to independently elaborate two-dimensional drawings in the specific context of architectural field.
Autonomy of judgment:
At the end of the course the student will be able to autonomously identify the most appropriate representation techniques to be used for the communication of drawings.
Communication skills:
In order to successfully pass the exam, the student must necessarily have acquired the ability to communicate ideas and projects through the use of dedicated software.
Having already passed the Design exam is recommended as preparation.
Course unit content
The following topics will be discussed in detail during the course:
- Introduction to vector graphics;
- AutoCAD user interface;
- Use of commands, saving in AutoCAD file format, view options and object selection methods;
- Work method: use of layers, object properties;
- Precision drawing: drawing units, reference system, object snap, ortho mode and polar tracking, measurement tools;
- Two-dimensional drawing: basic drawing commands, basic editing commands;
- Text management;
- Quotation management;
- Raster images management;
- Other essential commands;
- Layout management and print settings.
Full programme
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AutoCAD User Guides:
Santapaga L., Trasi M., 2016. AutoCAD. Guida facile al disegno CAD 2D e 3D. Apogeo.
Koser G., Zirwas D., 2008. Fondamenti di Autocad. Un approccio progressivo. Pearson.
Caffi V., De Andrea L., 2010. Modellazione 3D con Autocad. Dal modello alle viste. Pearson.
Teaching methods
The Laboratory of Automatic Design will be held at the Laboratories located at the Engineering didactic center and will include theoretical and practical lessons aimed at providing the basics on the use of computer tools aimed at the elaboration of digital drawings.
Given its wide diffusion, the choice of software with which to perform the exercises (which will be assigned during the course) has fallen on the Autodesk software, AutoCAD, for Windows.
During the lessons the basic notions and essential commands will be explained so that it will be possible to elaborate any type of two-dimensional drawing.
In order to be admitted to the exam, each student must have completed the drawings assigned during the course, both in paper and digital format, respecting the deadlines indicated by the teacher.
As final work, at the end of the Laboratory of Automatic Design, the student will be asked to produce traditional drawings related to the architecture already object of the end-of-year exercise carried out during the Drawing course held in the first semester.
The drawings will be printed on A2 format (42x59,4cm), all with appropriate graphic scale.
- Table 1: Plans of the most significant levels of the architecture subject of the exercise.
- Table 2: The most significant sections and elevations of the architecture object of the exercise.
The final printing scale of the drawings must be 1:100. In particular, at least one plan, one section and one elevation must be printed in scale 1:100. Depending on the size of the building, it may be necessary to use different scales of representation for the other drawings.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of learning will be carried out during the course, through the evaluation of all the material produced by the student.
The final valuation will take place through the examination of the printed drawings created with the software chosen and used during the course.
The evaluation will be so modulated:
- Use of software for digital representation (knowledge): 35%;
- Application of the most suitable tools for the elaboration of digital drawings (skills): 35%;
- Autonomous choice of the most appropriate software for the implementation of drawings (autonomy of judgment): 35%.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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