cod. 1003106

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline sociologiche e di servizio sociale
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to provide full knowledge and mastery of the most relevant legislations currently in place within the subject discipline in question, which are necessary for the management, organisation and placement of the social and health services of the researched area.


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Course unit content

Teaching Content
The development of the legislation framework and the transformation of social intervention programmes in the area of Right to Care and social welfare aid. Familiarisation of the integrated system of social welfare aid and services. Organization and allocation of expertise in the planning and delivery of social services.

Full programme

The first part of the course covers the analysis of the development and profound institutional, organisational and cultural transformations of the services system for the individual in our country, outlining the main social policy reforms and the guidelines that led to the approval of The National Law 328/2000 and the reform of Title Five of the Italian Constitution.
National and regional legislation frameworks will be illustrated, within which social and health services are located.

The second part of the course will present, also through practical training, the main elements that characterise the territorial organisation of the social welfare and health services network, with specific reference to the current situation within the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy: socio-health integration, accreditation and comparison of different organisational and management models.

In the final part of the course, specific themes and areas of welfare aid will be explored (eg. services for adults, services for the disabled, services for the elderly, services for children etc), including seminars held by professional experts in the various fields (specialised coordinators and social services managers).


Flavia Franzoni, Marisa Anconelli:
“La rete dei Servizi alla persona dalla normativa all’organizzazione”.
Publisher: Carrocci Faber.

Massimo Balducci, Lucetta, Tre Re:
“L’organizzazione dei Servizi Sociali”.
Publisher: Franco Angeli.

Complete list of the principle Italian legislations that will be discussed during the course:

L.N. 328/2000 Framework legislation relating to the establishment of an integrated system of social service welfare aid;
L.R. 2/2003 Legislation for the advancement of social citizenship and for the establishment of an integrated system of social service welfare aid;
L.N. 6/2004 Introduction of Book Number One, Title 12 of the Civil Law of Paragraph One, relating to the institution of the support administration and amendements of article numbers 388, 414, 417, 418, 424, 426, 427 and 429 of the Civil Law specific to interdiction and incapacitation, in addition to implementation, coordination and final laws;
L.R. 5/94 Law relating to the protection and worth of the elderly - aid in favour of those who require care support;
L.R. 2/2014 Law relating to the recognition and support of family caregivers – people who voluntarily provide care and assistance;
D.G.R. 1206/2007 Regional care support fund. Implementation addresses of the deliberation g.r. 509/2007;
D.G.R. 1230/2008 Regional care support fund – 2008 programme and definition of aid in favour of adults with disabilities;
L.N. 104/1992 Framework legislation for the assistance, social integration and the rights of people with disabilities;
L.N. 285/1997 Provisions for the advancement of rights and opportunities for childhood and adolescents;
L.R. 14/2008 Political subject laws for the younger generations;
L.N. 184/83 Adoption and custody legislations for minors and further revisions L. N. 149/2001;
D.G.R. 1904/2011 Family custody subject guidelines, community placement and family responsibility support.

Teaching methods

The course consists of both lecture-style (frontal) instruction and practical-theoretical exercises, with the active involvement of students. Frontal instruction will be dedicated to the critical and reasoned study of the principle guideline texts within the application of case studies; in addition, there will be exercises, thematic insights and seminars held by professional experts working in the social services sector. During the course student dialogue and interaction will be strongly encouraged, with appropriate time for ample discussion and opinion provided in each lesson. All required study materials used during the lessons and tutorials will be uploaded periodically to the Elly Study Platform (slides and reference framework legislation material). During the course readings of more comprehensive information will also be recommended in addition to the reference texts.
Classes will also be held online through the Teams platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final assessment is marked out of 30 and consists of an oral exam of at least 3 questions, of which the following must be ascertained: knowledge and ability to understand the course content; ability to apply them to specific cases; ability to use appropriate technical and socio-legal language; familiarisation of the organisation and strategies of Social Services. Course sufficiency and pass grade will be achieved where the student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the content covered in the Course as well as the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to specific case studies.

In the event that the health emergency continues, and depending on how it evolves, the exam may take place either in mixed mode (ie in presence, but with the possibility of support even remotely for students who request it from the Teacher), or only online for everyone (at a distance). Information will be promptly announced on the esse3 system in advance of the exam.

Other information

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