cod. 1009063

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto commerciale (IUS/04)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding capability.
The course aims to provide students with a method of analysis of the typical legal instruments for professional activities with economic value affecting the business services operator and the social worker.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
The student must be able to discuss with methodologically correct terminology and arguments, juridical aspects useful for the organization of business/social services in a market economy, such as, for instance, the regulation of relations, the effects of size and type within the organization of services, and to know how to assess relevant benefits and risks from a professional point of view as well as to choose and use the legal instruments available in a real context in a reality with economic value.
Autonomy of judgment capability
Upon the completion of the course the student must have acquired the ability to evaluate the juridical aspects of company organization and management for business/social services.


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Course unit content

In the initial part the course covers the general aspects of the basic legal regulation necessary for the study of the corporate law institutes made available to operators by the legislator with reference to the legal persons and entities subjects of law, contract and contractual autonomy and especially the entrepreneur, the business assets and the trading name.
The legal regulation concerning competition is examined in its general lines, both in terms of public and private law, with reference to the market in which those engaged in economic activities operate.
The fundamental principles of the regulations relatively to partnerships and joint-stock and limited companies are studied and deepened.
Subsequently the regulation as regards the legal forms of ordinary partnership, unlimited partnership and limited partnership are analysed.
The law regulations covering limited companies by shares and private companies limited by quotas as well as the simplified ones are studied.
The law regulations as regards cooperatives as companies in terms of activity and prevalent mutuality cooperative, complete the company legal forms as subject to examination of the course.

Full programme

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The reference text is identified in the CAMPOBASSO G. Handbook of commercial law - UTET - latest edition with reference to the following chapters: I to V (I. The entrepreneur; II: The categories of entrepreneurs; III. The acquisition of quality entrepreneur; IV. The status of the commercial entrepreneur, V. The company); VIII (VIII The discipline of competition);from X to XVII (X. Companies, XI. The simple society, The society in collective name, XII. The limited partnership, XIII. The joint-stock company, XIV. The shares, XV. The relevant holdings The groups of companies; XVI Assembly; XVII Administration and controll); from XX to XXI, (XX. Bonds, XXI. The dissolution of joint stock companies) from XXIII to XXV (XXIII. Limited liability company, XXIV. cooperative societies, XXV. transformation, merger and division).
Other texts published on the subject at the course date can be recommended.
The texts of the relevant disciplines are distributed during the lessons.

Teaching methods

The course consists of lessons and practical-theoretical exercises with the active involvement of the students.
During the didactic activity the characteristics of each institute, as well as the general problems related to their application and any jurisprudential orientations shall be highlighted.
A few in-depth seminars on some topics of interest shall complete the course.
Some materials also used during the lessons are moreover uploaded to Elly at the end of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course includes an oral examination.
By asking questions regarding the contents of the course, it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the objective in terms of knowledge and understanding of law regulation on the several topics addressed during the lessons and subject of the course program; in particular, through questions concerning the juridical institutes examined, it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the objective of being able to apply the acquired knowledge.
As part of the exam, students will be asked at least three questions so as to verify:
• the knowledge and understanding of course contents
• the use of an appropriate technical juridical terminology
Sufficiency will be achieved when the student has shown knowledge, understanding of institutions and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete cases.
In the event that the health emergency continues, and depending on how it evolves, the exam can take place either in mixed mode (i.e. in the presence, but with the possibility of support even remotely for students who request it from the teacher ), or only online for everyone (remotely). Information will be given promptly on the method chosen on the esse3 system in advance of the exam

Other information

The teacher is always available for any clarification and consultation by appointment to be agreed via e-mail.