cod. 14580

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - Second semester
Giovanni FRANCO
Academic discipline
Elettronica (ING-INF/01)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding
The course provides an overview of the design and implementation of an
electronic system with discrete components. In this context we analyze
the issues related to signal propagation and interference that can arise
between them, the choice of materials to be used according to the
working frequency of the system. Is carried out the analysis of existing
techniques to build a circuit board.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
The course also provides, through guided exercises, the use of CAD for
design, simulation and manufacturing of printed circuit boards.

For goals related to learning how to teach electric science and technology-related subjects see Annex B of Italian D.M. 616.


Electrical Engineering,
Electronic Engineering

Course unit content

- Fundamentals
- Shortcomings of Point-to-Point Wiring
- Transmission Lines
- Terminations
- Ground Planes and Layer Stacking
- Power Supply Systems
- Signal Integrity
- Board Partitioning
- Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Computer-Aided Design
- Laboratory

Full programme

- Fundamentals
Frequency and Time.
Time and Distance.
Lumped versus Distributed Systems: Length of Rising Edge.
Four Kinds of Reactance: Ordinary Capacitance, Ordinary Inductance,
Mutual Capacitance, and Mutual Inductance.
- Shortcomings of Point-to-Point Wiring
Electromagnetic Interference.
- Transmission Lines
Infinite Uniform Transmission Line.
Effect of Source and Load Impedance.
Special Transmission Line Cases.
Line Impedance and Propagation Delay.
- Terminations
“L” length Transmission Line.
End Terminators.
Source Terminators.
AC Biasing for End Terminators.
Resistor Selection.
- Ground Planes and Layer Stacking
High-Speed Current Path.
Crosstalk in Solid and in Slotted Planes.
Crosstalk in Cross-Hatched Ground Planes.
Crosstalk with Power and Ground Fingers.
Rent Rule.
20H and 3W Rules.
How to Stack Printed Circuit Board Layers.
- Power Supply Systems
Providing a Stable Voltage Reference.
Distributing Uniform Voltage.
Everyday Distribution Problems.
Choosing a Bypass Capacitor.
- Signal Integrity
Ringing and Reflection.
Power and Ground Bounce.
Shunt and Guard Traces.
Clock Lines.
Routing Strategies.
- Board Partitioning
Segmentation rules and their Connection.
Data Line Filters.
- Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC and EMI Regulation.
Cabling, Grounding and Shielding.
Printed Circuit Board Technology
State of the Art.
- Computer-Aided Design
Introduction to the Cadence CAD program.
The Design Process Flow: From Schematic to PCB.
- Laboratory
Exercises with the program CAD Cadence.
Realization and Testing of a Hardware Project in Through-Hole or SMT


[1] “High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic”, Haward W. Johnson, Martin Graham. Prentice Hall, 1993.ISBN 0-13-395724-1
[2] “High-Speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic”, Haward W. Johnson, Martin Graham. Prentice Hall, 2003.ISBN 0-13-084408-X
[3] “Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation”, Ralph Morrison, 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 1986. ISBN 0-471-83805-5
[4] “Coombs’ Printed Circuit Handbook”, Clyde F. JR. Coombs, McGraw Hill, 2001. ISBN 0071350160
[5] “Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems”, Henry W.Ott, Second Edition John Wiley & Sons, 1988 . ISBN 0-471-85068-3
[6] “Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD ® Capture and PCB Editor” Kraig Mitzner, John Newnes, May 2009 . ISBN-13: 9780750689717
[7] “Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering”, Henry W.Ott, Second Edition John Wiley & Sons, 2009. ISBN 978-0-470-18930-6
[8] Johnson David W., Johnson Roger T., Holubec Edithe J., Apprendimento cooperativo in classe. Migliorare il clima emotivo e il rendimento, Erickson, Trento, 1996.
[9] Jonassen David, Howland Jane, Marra Rose, Crismond David, Meaningful Learning with technology, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River – New Jersey – Columbus – Ohio, 2008.

Teaching methods

Traditional classroom lessons. (40% of the duration of the course)
Laboratory exercises with CAD program. (60% of the duration of the

Assessment methods and criteria

The conclusive assessment of learning involves two moments:
1) a semi-structured written test with five/six closed questions. During the written test, the student is asked to answer questions relating to the theoretical topics covered in class (weight of item 30pt);
2) a project of an electronic system chosen by the student carried out individually or in groups using a specific design CAD; the project must also be accompanied by a technical report showing the characteristics of the designed system and an economic evaluation of the design and construction costs of a small number of prototypes (item weight 30pt);

The outcome of the two tests contributes to the final evaluation by 65% and 35% respectively.

The dates of the partial tests will be fixed by the teacher with the students. The official dates of the exams are considered indicative and may vary upon agreement between the teacher and students.

Other information

The written exam will take place at the end of the lessons and consists in:
- a verification written for the evaluation of the learning of the theoretical aspects (closed-answer questions).
- a project of an electronic system developed to small groups of two / three students; in this case besides the sketch of the electric scheme and the relative printed circuit board, the student group must produce a technical relationship with the description of the effected project.
To the final evaluation the written test contributes for 65%, while the project with final report for the remainder 35%.

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