cod. 14250

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
0 hours
of face-to-face activities
21 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The aim of the final exam is to improve the student's autonomy of judgment, communication skills and ability to learn, all these in the context of a broad and in-depth study of a basic or applied topic in computer science or automation.


The admission to the final exam is allowed if the student has successfully passed, at least ten days before the date set for the exam, all the activities included in the official study plan for 99 credits at least.

Course unit content

The final exam for the achievement of the master's degree consists of a design or analysis activity in the field of computer engineering. It is agreed with a supervisor (the “relatore”) and developed by the student with a personal contribution. The student then writes a thorough report (the thesis) that will be discussed in front of the master’s degree commission. In the final exam, the candidate must demonstrate mastery of the thesis topic, ability to work independently, and adequate communication skills. The thesis can be written in English with a large summary in Italian.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

The student's study and research activity is coordinated by the supervisor (the “relatore”) and is accompanied by laboratory activities also in collaboration with university or company research groups.

Assessment methods and criteria

In one of the three master's degree exams (in summer, autumn and winter) the student will present the results of his thesis work in front of a commission of at least 5 members. This master's degree commission will assess the candidate's basic and professional preparation in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the results of the university career, including the work related to the preparation of the thesis.

Other information

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