cod. 01961

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia politica (SECS-P/01)
Discipline politiche, economiche e statistiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students with a method of economic analysis of social phenomena affecting the social worker.

Applying knowledge and understanding
The students will be able to discuss with correct terminology and arguments economic aspect of social service in a market economy, such as, the regulation of prices, the effect of size and technology in the production of services, the effect of demographic trends in the socio economic system.

Making Judgments
The students will have acquired the ability to assess the economic aspects of the organization and management of social service


For students approaching economics for the first time, the following volume may be recommended as an introductory reading:
Campiglio L., Tredici idee per ragionare di economia, Il Mulino, 2002

Course unit content

The course includs some elements of economic analysis involving the social worker. The syllabus pays particular attention to the following issues 1) the market economy as a social structure that ensures efficiency 2) obstacles to the market economy; 3) foundations of welfare economics 4) sustainable development goals and economic effects of socio-demographic trends; 5) theoretical foundations of economics of the firm and organizational implications, with particular attention to the social services sector.

Full programme

- Introduction to epistemology and methodology in economic science and social sciences;
- the market economy as a social structure that ensures efficiency;
- obstacles to the market economy;
- foundations of economics of well-being;
- capability approach;
- civil economy approach;
- sustainable development goals and economic effects of socio-demographic trends; - theoretical foundations of economics of the firm and organizational implications, with particular attention to the social services sector.


Readings available on the Elly educational platform:
- ASviS, Report, 2018.
- Istat, Bes, Rapporto, 2018.
- Cergas Bocconi, Rapporto Oasi, 2018.
- Petrucci A., Quaderni Giorgio Rota, Centro Einaudi, n. 1, 2013.
- Zamagni S., Dal Welfare della delega al Welfare della partecipazione, Aiccon, 2013.
Other readings, also aimed at the preparation of seminars, guided discussions and interactive workshops, will be communicated during class.

Not attend
In addition to the readings available on the Elly educational platform:
- Giovannini E., L'utopia sostenibile, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2018.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, guided discussions, interactive workshops.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of the course is as follows:

1. Final written test based primarily on readings available on the Elly educational platform.
It is mandatory three open questions (time to two hours). The questions are open and general, targeted to develop in students the ability to critically process. Moreover, it is not only to verify the notional learning but to urge the synthesis of various "chapters" of study, to urge the understanding with respect to open-ended questions and formulated in a complex manner (descriptor 1).
2. There are also workshop activities that culminate in the drafting of a individual or group paper to be agreed in advance with the teacher and to be exhibited in the classroom during the lessons. The relations (which may not be less than 5\6 folders for each team member) check for comprehension skills applied to their social context and their own professional future (descriptor 2), but also for independent judgment of the student (descriptor 3) and its ability to communicate (descriptor 4). The criteria for the composition of the essay at the beginning of the course are explained to the students.

Not attend
1. Final written test based primarily on recommended bibliography and readings available on the Elly educational platform.
It is mandatory three open questions (time to two hours). The questions are open and general, targeted to develop in students the ability to critically process. Moreover, it is not only to verify the notional learning but to urge the synthesis of various "chapters" of study, to urge the understanding with respect to open-ended questions and formulated in a complex manner (descriptor 1).
2. It is also planned to draft an additional paper to be agreed in advance with the teacher. The relations (which may not be less than 10\12 folders) check for comprehension skills applied to their social context and their own professional future (descriptor 2), but also for independent judgment of the student (descriptor 3) and its ability to communicate (descriptor 4). The criteria for the composition of the essay are explained to the students during the office hours or by e-mail.

The final evaluation of the student emerges from the weighted average of the marks obtained by the student in the different tests, which must all be present as a requirement of sufficiency (if one is missing, the student is not sufficient).
In particular:
- The written test, assessed in 30/30, is worth 75% of the final mark. To take sufficiency, the student must answer all open questions mandatory. Depending on the critical thinking and deepening the vote varies;
- The report of the text, also in 30/30, is worth 25% of the final mark.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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