cod. 14012

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course -
Academic discipline
Chimica generale e inorganica (CHIM/03)
Discipline chimiche
Type of training activity
70 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The Course of Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemistry has the aim to provide the students with the fundamental concept and to show the principal experimental techniques which are necessary for the study of Chemistry. In particular, two fundamental aspects will be highlighted: the numeric/stoichiometric aspect (calculations, use of formulae, use of software for the numeric data treatment) and the experimental aspect (participation to lab activities, use of the instruments in the chemical laboratory).

Application of knowledge and understanding, and acquisition of competences:
The course will stimulate the study of Chemistry through approaches described here below, with the aim to provide the students with concepts (knowledge) and methods to apply them on real problems (competences).
- Critical use of books and handouts, interaction with the teacher
- Capacity in acquisition and usage of proper language and terms
- Critical evaluation of own skills, interaction with other students
- Capacity to acquire autonomy in planning and carrying out the activities in the laboratory


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Course unit content

The first lectures will deal with the introduction on the chemical nomenclature, the chemical reactions, and the principal methods for stoichiometric calculations.

The lectures of the second part of the semester will deal with numerical excercises on: gaseous systems, chemical equilibrium, theories of acids and bases.

Lectures will be delivered on the description of the laboratory activities and on the safety procedures in the laboratory. These lectures will be followed, in the second part of the semester, by prctical activities in the chemical laboratory.

Full programme

Stoichiometry. Molecular and atomic mass, mole, chemical equations and balancing methods. Empirical formula, purity, limiting reagent and yield. Ideal and real gases laws and their applications. Concentrations, units and colligative properties. Chemical equilibrium in gas phase. Equilibrium constants and Le Chatelier principle. Equilibria in solution: acid-base equilibria, hydrolysis, buffers, titrations, solubility of salts. Laboratory activities: 1. Synthesis of zinc iodide from elements 2. Composition of the solutions and their preparation. 3. Titration curves of strong acid / strong baseand weak acid / weak base. 4. Assays for identificaion of chemical compounds.


- Exercises:
I. Bertini, C. Luchinat, F. Mani, E. Ravera
Stechiometria - Un avvio allo studio della chimica - 6a edizione
Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (Zanichelli)

- Additional exercises (Textbook available in the library):
M. Bruschi
Stechiometria e laboratorio di chimica generale

- For theory and general concepts:
P. W. Atkins, L. Jones, L. Laverman
Principi di chimica - 4a edizione

Teaching methods

The lectures will be held in asynchronous mixed mode, according to this modality:
- All lessons will be held in person, with simultaneous recording of the lesson on the Teams platform.
- The same lessons will be available on ELLY, at the end of the lessons. The timing of publication of the lectures and the period for which the recordings will be available will be communicated by the teacher.

During the lectures, the methodology to solve exercises of stoichiometry related to the topics of the course will be described and discussed. During the course, the exercises will be constantly linked to the topics of the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry. Within the course, a series of laboratory activities are planned. The activities are essentially individual activities, and have the aim to provide the students with both the knowledge on the principal techniques in the chemical laboratory, and with the autonomy to find solution to practical problems and to plan individually the lab activities. The students will develop the capacity to report their activities by the preparation of a lab notebook. Finally, tutor activities will be planned, as lectures where the students have the possibility to place questions to the teacher. This will allow the students to face the problems in a guided way both through their individual study and through group activities.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be a final exam, together with the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry
It consists of a written test, composed of two sections as follows, and a colloquium.
-11 open questions on the topics of the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry
-3 excercises on the topics of the course of Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemistry

The grade of the test will be weighted as 3/5 the grade of the first section, and 2/5 the grade of the second section. The minimum grade has to be obtained however for both sections individually to pass the test. In case of fail of the test, the student will be asked to retake the test entirely, and the colloquium.
The written test will be followed by an oral exam (colloquium) on the topics of both the courses of General and Inorganic Chemistry and Laboratory. In case of fail of the colloquium, the student will be asked to retake the test and the colloquium.
The final grade will be an average of the grades of the test and of the colloquium.

As regards the topics of the Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemistry, the student will be asked to demonstrate to have acquired:
- fundamental concepts
- skills in presenting the concepts using an adequate approach and consistent with this field of study
- capacity to connect the different concepts, demonstrating the ability to find individually the solutions to problems
- capacity to use textbooks, handouts and data on websites, and the capacity to critically evaluate this material
- knowledge in the fundamental techniques in the chemical laboratory
- capacity to describe in a written form (reports) their lab activities, and to integrate it with the theoretical concepts.

Other information

Part of the didactic material is available online for the students.

The teacher is available upon request for discussions and clarifications about specific topics.

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