cod. 1004831

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Arturo CARTA
integrated course unit
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to teach the fundamentals of the neurosciences with strong implications for the visual system. In particular, the course is focused on the cerebral diseases with significant ophthalmological manifestations.


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Course unit content

Signs and symptoms of neurological clinical practice
Disorders of the peripheral nervous system
Involuntary movements
Myasthenia and CMS autoimmune syndromes.
Anatomy of the main optic pathways and accessories
Optical neuritis: Typicalng1024 :

Anterior (papillitis)
Posterior (retrobulbar)
&nb! sp; &n bsp;

Tumour of the optic nerve and its malformations (Hypoplasia, Drusen, Coloboma)
Diseases of the optic chiasm
Localisation of anatomical site of damage on the basis of visual field alterations (clinical cases)

Full programme

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F. Carta, A. Carta: "Neuroftalmologia", ed Essebiemme
C. Azzolini, F. Carta, G. Marchini, U. Menchini: "Malattie dell'apparato visivo" Elsevier ed. 2009
R. Adams, M. Victor, A. Ropper: 'Principles of neurology' ed Mc Graw Hill;
J. Cambier, M. Masson, H. Dehen: 'Neurologia' ed Massson

Teaching methods

The course will be conducted through lectures on individual topics of the program; at the beginning of each lesson, teacher will give a brief summary of the previous lecture in order to provide a "real time learning" for the students.

The lessons are "interactive" with the students and, for some topics on which the students themselves should have already bases provided by the previous courses, students are encouraged and motivated to turn to make a short introductory part of the lesson prepared at home.

This interactive mode of teaching aims to make students more involved in the school year, other than more stimulated to understand the topics addressed; furthermore, this way of teaching offers them the opportunity to present arguments in front of an audience, testing their skills exhibition.

Assessment methods and criteria

The first step in assessing the student' learning will be made through an oral examination on several topics of the course program.

The second step in testing student' knowledge will be made checking his analytical capacity regarding clinical cases of typical and atypical presentation of neuro-ophthalmological disorders; in this way the teacher will evaluate not only the memory performance of each student related to study and repetition of the lessons, but also his ability of synthesis, thinking, learning, pondering and fusion of the elements of study in itself.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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