Learning objectives
To introduce the student to advanced concepts of Organic Chemistry.
Knowledge and understanding: aim of the course is to acquire the knowledge on the fundamental aspects of the mechanisms, of the thermodynamis and kinetics of organic reactions. The ability to understand more in details the reactivity and properties of organic compounds will be especially stimultated.
Applying knowledge and understanding: in parallel to theoretical explanations, the student will be guided through the resolution of organic chemistry problems also to train the student to apply and reinforce the concepts acquired.
Making judgements: The student will possibly acquire a complete autonomy in the interpretation of the reactivity of organic reactions object of the course. Moreover he should be able to understand and identify the thermodynamics and kinetics issues of a given organic chemistry reaction.
Communication: at the end of the course, the student should be able to properly communicate using the typical terminology of organic chemistry and shouild also be able to discuss problems of stereochemistry and reactivity of the main classes of the organic compounds object of the course.
Lifelong learning skills: the student will be trained to understand and interpret the reactivity of organic compounds through the observation of experimental results.
Knowledge of Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II plus basic knowledge of General Chemistry and Physical Chemistry.
Course unit content
- Organic stereochemistry and methods for the resolution of mixtures of enantiomers
- Oxidation and reduction reagents in organic chemistry
- Aromatic nucleophilic substitution
- Diazonium salts: synthesis and reactivity
- Synthesis of heterocycles
- Special reactions on phenols
- Organometallic reagents in organic chemistry
- Thermodynamics and kinetics in organic chemsitry reactions
- Brief introduction to the retrosynthetic approach
- New synthetic methodologies for drug-discovery
Full programme
- Organic stereochemistry. Resolution of racemates: chiral derivatizing agents and kinetic resolution. Stereoselectivity and stereospecificity of the reactions. Different types of racemates. Homo and heterochiral interactions: role in the properties of the stereoisomers and their mixtures
- Aromatic nucleophilic substitution
- Diazonium salts: their preparation and use.
- Phenols: preparation and reactivity (Friedel-Crafts acylation and alkylation, metal-mediated regioselectivity, Kolbe reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Fries transposition)
- Ion-pair role in organic synthesis: template effect and phase transfer catalysis.
- Heterocyclic synthesis
- Oxidation and reduction reactions in organic chemistry: chemoselectivity
- C-C bond formation through te use of organometallic reagents
(Grignard reagents, organo-lithium, organo-cuprates, organo-zinc)
- Equilibria, rate of reactions, mechanisms of reactions: Enthalpy and Entropy contributions to organic chemistry reactions, reversible and irreversible reactions, Le Chatelieur-Braun principle, activation energy and kinetics of the reactions, (Rate determining step, 1st and 2nd order reactions), acid and basic catalysis (hydrolysis of esters and amides, isomerisation of alkenes), kinetic and thermodynamic products, reactions at low temperature, role of the solvents.
- Mechanism of hydrolysis of esters: acid and basic catalalysis, cleavage of the AC or Al bonds.
- Brief introduction to the retrosynthetic approach.
- Innovative synthetic methods for the Drug-design: combinatorial chemistry, parallel synthesis, split-and-mix methods, high-throughput-screening and solid-phase synthesis.
Main text:
J. McMurry - Chimica Organica - Piccin, Padova
Suggested text:
J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers - Organic Chemistry -
Oford University Press
Brown & Foote - Chimica Organica - EdiSES, Napoli . Paula Yurkanis
Bruice - Chimica Organica - EdiSES,Napoli
Teaching methods
Besides the lectures on the more theoretical aspect of the organic reactions and on the thermodynamic and kinetic apsects of organic reactions, a series of problems and exercises will be discussed to foster the students to better understand the concepts and to apply them to practical cases.
The teacher will be available for further explanations and discussions on the argument treated during the course.
The slides using during the course will be available on the web as pdf files.
For the AY 2020/2021, the lessons will be given in Aula Magna of the Chemistry Buiilding for all those wtudents willing to come to the University. Video will be also available on live and stored on Elly up to January 2021.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination will verifying the knowledge of the student through the discussion of organic chemistry problems with the aim to evaluate the ability to apply the competence acquired by the student on the structure and reactivity of organic compounds.
The exam is passed if the student is able to analyse the structure of and organic compound in terms of its reactivity and/or preparation and to discuss the thermodynamic and kinetic issues involved in the reactions. The student's preparation will be verified through the discussion of a problem of organic chemistry reactivity and his ability to apply the knowledge acquired also on the structure-reactivity relationship.
The exam will be passed for students able to autonomously discuss the reactivity of organic reactions (aromatic compounds, heteroaromatics, organometallic reagents, and carbonyl compounds), the transformation of functional groups and the stereochemical issue associated with organic chemistry.
The ability to describe the stereochemistry and the properties of stereoisomers will be also evaluated in details together with the differenet methods for the resoltuion of mixtures of enantiomers (up to further 4 points).
It will be also evaluated the ability to discuss the reactivity of organometallic compounds and the different methods to reduce or oxidize an organic compound (up to further 4 points).
The ability to properly discuss the organic chemistry reaction in terms of kinetics and thermodynamics will allow to gain up to further 4 points.
Other information
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