cod. 1003108

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Second semester
Maria Fortunata LO MORO
Academic discipline
Diritto privato (IUS/01)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to identify the essential outlines of legal protection of the individual, which will also be achieved through the study of the main instruments of protection.


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Course unit content

Overview on the legal system, sources and the state structure, with particular regard to the powers (legislative, executive and judicial). guidelines on family law with the main news of the "Corpus Juris" composed by l. 219/2012 and d. lgs. 154/2013 on the "new" filiation. Overview on legal separation and divorce in front of a lawyer or to a officer of civil state under Articles. 6 and 12 of the. 162/2014, as well as the so called short-listed in the divorce. 55/2015.

A legal support of people with fragility will be taken into consideration:

the rights juvenile between autonomy and protection within the family (even in crisis) and in society. The protection of foreign minor (unaccompanied, family reunions, measures against racial discrimination). The right to affective continuity of children in foster care ex l. 173/2015. The right to a substitute family (the 'adoption);

forms of protection for women in the family and cohabitation relationships (domestic violence). The protections in the crisis of the couple: the maintenance, allocation of the marital home. The right to equality and the right to difference in the enjoyment of human rights. Surrogacy: issues and solutions of the judges;

for the senior administrative support and other forms of protection (interdiction and disqualification). Pension systems (notes). The pension schemes of the third pillar: "long-term care", mortgage loans annuities. Forms of asset protection: annuities under art. 1872 ss. cc, atypical annuities, the "trust" of protection and estate sales with usufruct reserve;

protect the patient towards the doctor for failure to informed consent and to dissent (Jehovah's Witnesses, Welby, Englaro). Appointment of 'support administrator to provide consent in the event of incapacity or in anticipation of a future where the incapacity

The topics will be covered by experts (among others a judge of the court of Milan minors).
Any changes or additions to the program will be reported during the course.

Full programme

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During the course will indicate any changes or additions to textbooks in accordance with the new legislation.

The testing library materials consists of magazine articles and the parts of the reported volume of A.C. Moro. All texts are available in the office of Bachelor of Planning and Management of Social Services (sig. Sabrina Secchi).

For a refresher on general legal order notions simply any private guide.
For students who have not demonstrated expertise in family law in the three-year degree course is recommended: G. Bonilini, Manuale di diritto di famiglia, Utet, 2014.
M.R.Spallarossa (a cura di), Famiglia e servizi, Giuffrè, 2008, cap. X (Diritti dei minori tra autonomia e protezione), pp. 399-420;
P. Schlesinger, Il D. Lgs. n. 154 del 2013 completa la riforma della filiazione, in Fam. dir., 2014, 5, p. 443.
M. Dogliotti, Modifiche alla disciplina dell' affido familiare, positive e condivisibili, nell' interesse del minore, in Fam. dir., 2015, 12, p. 1107.
M. Dogliotti, L' adozione di minori, in Fam. dir., 2015, 11, p. 1021.
A.C.Moro, Manuale di diritto minorile, Zanichelli, 2014, cap. 2.9 ( La tutela del minore straniero), pp. 69-87;
F. Tommaseo, La gestione dei conflitti coniugali tra autonomia privata e giurisdizione, in Fam. dir., 2015, 11,p. 1053.
A. Gatto, Surrogazione di maternità e diritto del minore al rispetto della propria vita privata e familiare, in Dir. fam. pers., fasc. 3, 2015, p. 1091.
L. Ferola, Convenzioni sulla eliminazione della discriminazione della donna, in Enc. di bioetica e scienza giur., ESI, 2011, pp. 801-822;
L. Lenti-J. Long, Diritto famiglia e servizi sociali, Laterza, 2011, pp. 208-211; 328-351;
D.Veshi, Long-term care: il ruolo del settore privato, in Dir. e pratica lav., 2013, p.1365;
M.N.Bugetti, Nuovi strumenti di tutela dei soggetti deboli tra famiglia e società, Ipsoa, 2008, pp. 248-265;
M. Lo Moro, Mancato consenso informato e responsabilità del medico, in Danno e Resp., 2013, p.1119-1129.

Letture facoltative:
F. Ruscello, Famiglia e rapporto uomo-donna. Linee evolutive di una relazione ancora in itinere, in Dir. fam. per.; 2013, p. 248;
P. D' Addino Serravalle, Diritti delle donne, in Enc. di bioetica e scienza giur.; ESI, 2011, P.788-800;
D.De Strobel, Le assicurazioni per il rischio della non autosufficienza Long term care- I profili giuridici, in Dir. econ. assic., 2004, p. 147;

Teaching methods

In the first part of the course, for the presentation of theoretical orientations and the basic concepts of the discipline, teaching will be done mainly through lectures, integrated by use of small group work and dicussions.The deepening of issues related to families and forms of support for parents in conflict situations will be addressed using methods such as: focus on key themes using resources (articles, case discussion, judiciary sentences, etc.) provided by the teacher, and seminars run by experts ( lawyers and judges).

Assessment methods and criteria

The oral exam shall evaluate:

- The knowledge gained by the student on the topics covered in the course.

- The ability to make appropriate links between the topics covered in the course and between these and other disciplines.

- The ability to identify the relevant factors on which to base their judgments on the issues and problems faced and discussed in class.

- The ability to apply the knowledge learned to their contexts of training and professional experience

The tests will consist of questions, which will be differentiated by objective and tend both to test the student's knowledge and his judgment and application of the knowledge learned.

The final assessment is therefore considered sufficient if the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts and issues discussed in class, as well as an adequate ability to make connections and reflect on what they have learned.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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