Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of an historical outline of the period and its main educational institutions; ability in interconnecting these two aspects.
Applying knowledge and understanding: being able to explain some texts of the given period, using simple historical-comparative tools.
Making judgements: being able to express opinions with due motivation: this is the main transversal goal of the course.
Communication skills: Ability to explain one's own work in reading and interpretating texts with a correct and appropriate language.
Learning skills: being able to reflect critically on one's own knowledge, in proportion with individual talents.
Course unit content
The 16th-century roots of two educational paradigms: the Reformation and the catholic reaction
The multiplicity of educational models and the diversity of school systems in contemporary Europe can be read more easily following the steps of the two core educational paradigms emerged in the 16th century. On one side the Reformation, with its engagement in general literacy, the citizenship-building, the central role of self-education; on the other side and in few decades, the Catholic reaction, with Jesuit specialization in the education of the ruling class, the continuity of Humanist tradition, the emphasis on free will and on the role of the educator.
Those who followed the course on Juvenile literature in the first module, can find in this course the historical roots of the self-help and liberal model, of Protestant heritage, and of the traditional Catholic-Humanist model, trying to reaffirm its position in the newly founded Italy.
As the first module course, also this one will be based especially on readings and commentaries from the selected authors: Martin Luther, founder of the Reformation; the Protestant teacher Johann Eberlin; the college founder and Jesuit diplomat Antonio Possevino.
Full programme
See "Contents".
Lutero, Scuola e cultura, vol. IV dalle Opere scelte, Torino, Claudiana, 1990.
Artemio Enzo Baldini, L'educazione di un principe luterano. Il Furschlag di Johann Eberlin, Franco Angeli, rist. 2014.
Antonio Possevino, Coltura degl’ingegni, Roma, Anicia, 2008.
An article (free choice) among the ones that will be uploaded on the Elly website.
Teaching methods
Lecture; reading with comments; debate in the classroom; where possible, collective exercices on selected texts.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination.
The passing mark is achieved if the students shows both these accomplishments:
a) Has read thoroughly the compulsory texts and is able to locate them in time and space;
b) Has reflected upon the problems/questions posited in the texts and has tried to give a personal interpretation.
Other information
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