cod. 1003118

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia giuridica, della devianza e mutamento sociale (SPS/12)
Discipline sociologiche e di servizio sociale
Type of training activity
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, students must show knowledge and understanding, and ability to apply knowledge and understanding with respect to: knowledge and classification of the different normative messages produced by society and to acknowledge differences and continuities between social and legal norms. They must understand factors influencing the transformation of legal field and explain the charact of post modern legal fields. They must be able to understand the influence of internal and external legal culture on the interpretation of law and to compare theories of normative and legal socialization. In addition, they will be able to locate and explain in contemporary societies the work of different and sometimes conflicting legal systems (local, national and supranational, informal and formal). With regard to formation and implementation of law, students should be able to identify the various institutional and organizational influences that shape the content of norms and their application. These skills will be further refined in the second part of the course. Students are expected to apply the concepts learned during the first part of the course to the legal regulation of families and children’s rights. Students should develop a specific communicative ability : they must be able to remember and apply the specific lexicon of the discipline.


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Course unit content

In the first part of the course students will learn about some key topics in
the sociology of law: normativity and law in a sociological perspective;
the legal culture; the formation and implementation of legal norms; legal
pluralism. In the second part, it will be adressed the topic of the legal
regulation of families and children's rights.

Full programme

- Law in sociological perspective
- normative messages and legal messages
- Transformation of legal fields
- Legal culture: internal and external
- normative and legal socialisation
- legal pluralism
- social and legal regulation of family and parenthood
- Children's rights
- Family mediation


Cottino A. (a cura di) Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto, Zanichelli,
Bologna, 2016
Students can choose a book among the ones listed below:
Pocar V., Ronfani P., La famiglia e il diritto, Laterza, Bari, 2008
Maggioni G., Polini B., Quadrelli I., Vincenti A., Scene da una separazione.
La mediazione familiare e la regolazione del conflitto di coppia, Franco
Angeli, Milano 2017
POCAR V., RONFANI P., Il giudice e i diritti dei minori, Bari-Roma, Laterza,
Further bibliography will be presented during the course

Teaching methods

Lectures; discussion of topics and problems; exercices; seminars with
professionals in social and legal fields.
Slides and further didactic materials will be uploaded on the Elly plattform (monthly).

Assessment methods and criteria

Student attending at least 2/3 of course hours:
Intermediate assesment (written with 5 open ended questions on the basic concepts of sociology of law; the exam will last 2 hours; evaluation scale 0-30)
Students must show:
- Knowledge and understanding of themes and basic concepts of sociology of law (cfr. Cottino (ed) Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto; slides and materials uploaded by the teacher)
- Communication abilities (disciplinary lexicon)
- Autonomy of judgment
Final assessment: paper on the book chosen by the student. Guideline for the preparation of the paper are available on Elly .
Students must show:
- Knowledge and understanding and knowledge and applied understanding of basic concepts of sociology of law and of themes related to family and children’s rights. (cfr. Cottino (ed) Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto; chosed book, other relevant materials selected by the student)
- Communication abilities (disciplinary lexicon)
- Autonomy of judgment
Students not attending 2/3 of lecture time
Final assesment: Written assessment with 5 open ended questions. Questions concern all topics included in the syllabus. the exam will last 2 hours. Evaluation scale 0-30.
Students must show:
- Knowledge and understanding and knowledge and applied understanding of basic concepts of sociology of law and of themes related to family and children’s rights. (cfr. Cottino (ed) Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto; chosed book)
- Communication abilities (disciplinary lexicon)
- Autonomy of judgment
Maximun grade (30 and praise) will be given in case of maximum evaluation per each item.

Other information

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