cod. 02782

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Antonio MUTTI
Academic discipline
Medicina del lavoro (MED/44)
"scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro"
Type of training activity
21 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

By attending this course, the student will learn the definition, purposes and functions in the field of Industrial Hygiene; learn to recognize and identify the main risk factors for health and safety in the most common tasks or areas of work will also learn the general methodology of the survey in the workplace and be able to practice the knowledge acquired during the training activities in the field; acquire knowledge relating to methods for the quantification of the exposure of physical and chemical pollutants and to report the results of the m isurazioni environmental exposure limit values​​. Finally, learn the main rules and regulations regarding exposure assessment and learn to apply them in spcifici professional contexts.


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Course unit content

The first part of the lectures is aimed at providing the general principles of the methodology of prevention and rehabilitation in the workplace; will be considered as the physical state of the pollutants present in the workplace and in life: (i) the pollutant particulates (dusts, fumes, fibers); (ii) air pollutants (gases, vapors, mists); (iii) pollution Aerobiological. sottilieato will be the role of exposure estimation in the assessment process and risk characterization. Students will learn the methodology of the survey in the work environment and the identification of sources of pollutants.

The second part will address the environmental content of the survey, the choice of sampling systems and methods according to the UNI EN 482/98 for the chemical and dimensional selection based sampling for particulate pollutants. Students will learn to controntare the results of the investigation with the occupational exposure limits and environmental, TLV, PEL, REL, OEL through calculation examples.

The final part of the course will provide the principles for the implementation of protection measures: preventive measures and general staff, industrial ventilation, and personal protective equipment.

Full programme

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Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro.
Authors: Mutti-Corradi
Editor: Nuova Editrice Berti

Manuale di Medicina del Lavoro e Igiene Industriale per Tecnici della Prevenzione
Authors: Alessio - Apostoli. Editor: Piccin
ISBN: 9788829920204. 2009 Edition

D.Lgs. 81/08 “Attuazione dell’Art. 1 della Legge 3 Agosto 2007 n.123, inmateria di tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro” Tutela della Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro

Sito INAIL (ex ISPESL) per “Profili di rischio” attività lavorative individuate e discusse nell’esercitazione

Linee Direttrici Europee di carattere non obbligatorio VR Chimico (2005)

Linea Guida n. 7 – AUSL Piacenza – Sostanze Pericolose

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures with the aid of informatic support (PPT)

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning of teaching content is only based on the verification through interview questions on the topic contents of the modules. There are no ongoing evaluations structured, but only discussion of the topics in the classroom after each lecture.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

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