cod. 1004864

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Antonio MUTTI
integrated course unit
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to learn and understand basic and essential elements to the definition, purposes and functions of Industrial Hygiene;
learn to recognize and identify the main risk factors for health and safety in the most common activities or employment sectors.
Also learn the general methodology of the survey in the workplace and be able to practice the knowledge acquired during the training activities in the field; acquire knowledge relating to methods for the quantification of the exposure of physical and chemical pollutants and to report the results of the m isurazioni the exposure limit values
environmental. Finally, he/she will learn the main rules and regulations regarding exposure assessment and learn to apply them in spcifici professional contexts.


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Course unit content

The first part of the lectures is aimed at providing the general principles of
methods of prevention and remediation in places of
work; will be considered as the physical state of pollutants in
places of work and life: (i) the pollutant particulates (dusts, fumes, fibers);
(ii) air pollutants (gases, vapors, mists); (iii) pollution
Aerobiological. sottilieato will be the role of exposure estimation in
process of assessment and risk characterization. students
learn the methodology of the survey in the work environment and the '
identification of the sources of the pollutants.
The second part will address the content of the survey
Environmentally, the choice of the sampling systems and methods according to the
UNI EN 482/98 for the chemical agents and the sampling based
on the selection dimensional particulate pollutants. students
controntare to learn the results of the investigation with the limits of
occupational and environmental exposure, TLV, PEL, REL, with OEL
calculation examples.
The final part of the course will provide the principles for the implementation of the measures
protection: prevention and general staff, the ventilation
industrial and personal protective equipment.

The module "methods of risk assessment in Workplaces" deals, in particular, to provide the theoretical and practical foundations to address the following issues:
- CHEMICALS - Title IX of the Legislative Decree no. 81/08 "Hazardous Substances"
- CHAPTER I - PROTECTION CHEMICAL - Definition - Risk assessment - General principles and measures pearl Prevenzionedei risks - Specific measures of prevention and protection - Provisions in case of accidents and emergencies - Information and training of workers - Health Surveillance
- CHAPTER II - PROTECTION FROM carcinogens and mutagens
Safety Data Sheet: Data and "new" (REACH and CLP - labeling, methods of risk assessment: main algorithms (use, usefulness, purpose); Types of Sampling for chemical agents at the workplace (active, passive, staff, location fixed.) will provide some examples of instrumentation and support for measurements.

Full programme

The knowledge base on: 1. The regulatory environment for prevention activities
in the environment and in the workplace; 2. Figures and tasks of Subjects Prevention System; 3. Identification of data and related sources (including documents) that must
be collected for the activities being assessed, the identification of the elements on which the assessment of risk from exposure to chemicals (Title IX - Legislative Decree no. 81/08 with particular reference to Chapter I and Chapter II) ; 4. The identification of the essential elements of the content of the assessment delrischio resulting from exposure to chemicals; 5. Identify the factors that affect workers; 6. Know the main methods of assessment; 7. Knowing the contents of a safety data sheet and be able to identify substantive information for the risk assessment and the protection of the health and safety of workers; 8. Understand and critically discuss the main measures of prevention and protection; 9. Identify the main characteristics of PPE for the protection of workers from risks arising from the use of chemicals; 10. Knowing the main measurement instrumentation and principles related to the sampling of pollutants (including in the methods of bibliography and sites).


Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro.
Authors: Mutti-Corradi
Editor: Nuova Editrice Berti

Handbook of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene for Engineers
Prevention. Authors: Alessio - Apostoli. Publisher: Piccin ISBN:
9788829920204. Edition: 2009.

Leg. 81/08 "Implementation of Art. 1 of Law 123 of August 3, 2007,
inmateria the protection of health and safety in the workplace "
Protection of Health and Safety in the Workplace
Site POS (ex ISPESL) for "risk profiles" work activities identified
and discussed in the tutorial
European guidelines for a non-binding VR Chemistry (2005)
Guideline no. 7 - AUSL Piacenza - Hazardous Substances

Teaching methods

In general, most of the lessons will take place as classroom teaching with the use of visual aids and classroom discussion with students.
The module "Methods of risk assessment in the workplace," use the method of administration and discussion of "CASE STUDYES"
- EXERCISE n. 1 (analysis of safety data sheets in small groups to
- EXERCISE n. 2 - CASE STUDY (analysis of cases of production cycles or
work situations) and subsequent presentation discussion, reflection
and discussion in the classroom
Work activities are possible between the cases discussed: Hairdressers, Garages,
Florovivismo, Cemeteries, Dairies, Food Transformations (processing
fruits and vegetables), Cleaning, Asfaltatori, Body Shops
For the working cycles are discussed the methodologies underlying the
identification and assessment of the main risks to be investigated, the mode
investigation and documentation / information needed for the purposes of
risk assessment, with particular reference to the risks igienistici (but
I also mentioned safety issues). In addition, students
are asked to identify the main measures to prevent and
protection (individual and collective).

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning of teaching content
only provides for verification through interview questions with ralative
the contents of the two modules of teaching. There are no ongoing evaluations structured, but only discussion of the topics
in the classroom after each lecture.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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