cod. 14250

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
0 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Master graduates know: the pathophysiology of multifactorial diseases and the adaptation and conditioning methods needed to define a proper medium to long-term plan of physical or sports activity in subjects with stabilized pathology, in order to maintain the state of health and prevent complications; the characteristics of psycho-social discomfort and the possible role of physical activity and sport in improving self-perception and relational skills; tools and methods for observational and experimental research in epidemiology and social sciences.

Master graduates know how to apply the acquired knowledge in order to: design and apply specific physical activity interventions to individuals affected by chronic non communicable diseases; relate to users to understand their needs and motivate them to appropriate sports and exercise; cooperate to interdisciplinary teams for the management of continuum health-disease and social-health integration.

Master graduates know how to judge: the scientific literature for physical exercise recommendations for individuals of different ages and gender, even in the presence of stabilized chronic conditions or psychological and/or social discomfort ; the physical, psychological and social risks of inappropriate physical and sports activities; the physical, psychological and social benefits deriving from the continuing practice of proper adapted physical or sport activity; the adequacy of facilities, sports equipment and natural environments for carrying out the adapted physical activities; the quality of research protocols for the identification of physical and sports activities aimed at the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases and the maintenance and improvement of the state of health.


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Course unit content

Development of an originally written dissertation, experimental work or review, on a topic agreed with a Teacher, who will act as Thesis Supervisor. The Thesis’ result will be presented and discussed with the Final Examination Committee.

Full programme

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not applicable

Teaching methods

The dissertation will be constantly revised by the Tutor who will apply the most appropriate teaching methods between discussions, seminars and bibliographical research. The Correlator stimulates critical analysis and discussion of the issues dealt with in the thesis.

Assessment methods and criteria

Presentation of the dissertation's data and its discussion

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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