Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with the basic knowledge of the communication networks, technologies, and protocols in order to understand how communication networks work; in particular the knowledge and understanding of:
- communication network architectures and common models;
- communication protocols and protocol architectures;
- the main technologies and protocols currently used in communication networks, particularly focusing on Internet protocols.
The abilities in applying the above-mentioned knowledge are in particular in the:
- modeling a communication networks;
- analyzing communication protocols, characterizing the supported functions;
- designing a communication protocol, based on protocol requirements;
- designing and configuring a Local Area Networks, and Wide Area Networks based on the IP protocol.
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Course unit content
Introduction on communication networks
- communication network characteristics and classifications
- links, nodes, network topologies
- types of information
Protocol architectures
- layered architectures and protocols
- communication
- interconnection
- OSI and Internet models
Communication models
- connection and interaction modes
Main mechanisms and functions of communication protocols
- delimitation
- sequence control
- fragmentation
- multiplexing
- addressing
- multiple access
- switching and routing
- error control
- flow control
- congestion control
- mobility support
- other functions
Local Area Network (LAN)
- standard IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), Switched Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
- Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11)
Internet protocols
- Internet architecture
- Internet Protocol (IP) version 4, addressing and routing
- ARP, ICMP, DHCP protocols
- Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Examples of application protocols
Full programme
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L. Veltri, "Reti di telecomunicazione", Lecture slides
Teaching methods
Lectures (34h), and in class exercises (8h) carried out by the teacher and students.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam can be succeeded as:
1) divided into two written examinations, at the middle and the end of the course, that complete the exam; or
2) written exam, during regular scheduled examinations.
In both cases, the exam is written and composed of multiple choice questions, open answer questions, and some exercises.
Examples of exercises are shown and solved during the course.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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