cod. 1005643

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (ING-INF/05)
Ingegneria informatica
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to bring students to knowing and understanding the theoretical and practical basis for the management of databases based on the relational model, and the basic techniques necessary for the development of web sites that interact with databases.

Students, at the end of the course, must demonstrate that they have acquired such knowledge, both theoretically and, practically, by using these tools to build a simple web site that solves a practical problem which requires querying and editing the contents of a database.



Course unit content

Introduction to the DBMSs
The Relational Model
Database Design
Web Programming and Tools

Full programme

1) Introduction

Relational Databases: Model and languages
2) The relational model
3) Relational Algebra
4) SQL: basic concepts
5) SQL: advanced features
6) SQL for the applications

Designing databases
7) Methods and models for database design
8) Conceptual design
9) Logical design
10) Normalization

Web tools and programming
11) Databases and the web
12) Apache, MySQL, PHP
13) Fundamentals of PHP
14) Accessing a MySQL database using PHP


[All subjects dealt with in the course]:
Atzeni Ceri Paraboschi Torlone
Basi di dati: Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione (3a Ed.)
McGraw-Hill Italia, 2009

[Newer and extended edition (includes many additional topics not dealt with in the course)
Atzeni Ceri Fraternali Paraboschi Torlone
Basi di Dati (4a Ed.)
McGraw-Hill Italia, 2014

Luke Welling Laura Thomson
MySQL Tutorial
Sams Publishing, 2003

J. Greenspan, B. Bulger
MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Wiley 2003

Teaching methods

Theoretical knowledge will be acquired through lectures. At least 10 hours of laboratory practice will allow students to acquire practical skills about web programming and SQL querying.

Assessment methods and criteria

Two written tests also offered earlier as intermediate tests: the first concerns the theory of the relational model and SQL, and the second concerns database design.

Students who have passed both tests will be assigned a vote equal to the average of the marks obtained in the two tests. The full test is passed if the average is greater than or equal to 18 and if the lower vote in the written tests is greater than or equal to 15.

A student may also deliver a project on web-based database access.
The project assigns an additional score ranging from -2 (no project developed) to +3 points. Of course, in case of negative bonus, the total mark must still be greater or equal to 18.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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