cod. 05613

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (ING-INF/05)
Ingegneria informatica
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with the ability to understand how the operating systems manages and controls computing system resources with the objectives of efficiency and ease of use, and in particular:
- the role of the operating system as an intermediary between applications and hardware
- the need to overlap CPU and I/O activities to increase system efficiency
- the concept of process and the main models of process interaction
- the criteria and CPU scheduling algorithms for interactive systems
- the basic use of UNIX / Linux OSes and command usage
- the main system calls offered by UNIX / Linux to applications.

The main abilities to apply the knowledge and understanding listed above are:
- the analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of general-purpose operating systems
- the analysis of a simple interaction among processes in the global environment and the identification of simple forms of synchronization using semaphores
- the performance evaluation (on a given workload) of the main CPU scheduling algorithms for interactive systems


Programming skills obtained in previous courses.

Course unit content

Part I
Introduction to Operating Systems. Batch, time-sharing and spooling systems.
Processing and I/O parallelization. The interrupt systems: device and timer interrupts.
Interrupt handling. Modelling of a simple OS and techniques for increasing
system performance.
Multitasking and process model. Protection system. CPU operating modes.
Systems calls.
I/O handling. Layered structure of OSs. Virtualization.
The process concept. Process state and descriptor. Concurrent processes.
Cooperation and competition among processes. Shared memory interaction. Mutual exclusion and critical sections. Semaphores and synchronization primitives.
Message passing interaction. Send/receive primitives, designation and
Deadlock management.
CPU scheduling and main related algorithms.

Part II
Introduction to UNIX and LINUX.
UNIX File System. File access rights. Main system commands. I/O redirection and piping. Command shell. Foreground and background command execution.
Physical organization of the file system. Process image. Program development in UNIX.
File and I/O primitives. System calls for process management: creation, execution and exit.
Interprocess communication facilities: unreliable and reliable signals, pipes, FIFOs and sockets.
Client-server examples.

Full programme

Part 1 - Theory

Course introduction. Course contents and student evaluation methods. Introduction to the Linux OS and installation methods. The OS as a resource manager. OS activities for resource management. OS types and users. Proprietary and standard OSes. Brief history of computing systems and OS evolution. Batch and Time-Sharing systems. Spooling. I/O management. Polling. Overlap between I/O activities. Interrupt management.

Multiprogramming. Concept of process and process states. Process management. PCB. Process switching. OS protection and security. Context switching. System calls. OS structure with examples (UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows NT / 7). Virtualization concepts and techniques. OS kernel.

Models of process interaction. Global environment model. Tools for concurrent programming. Background on threads. Type of interaction among processes. Examples of interference. Mutual exclusion. Critical sections. Semaphores. Wait and signal primitives. Atomicity of wait / signal. Use of semaphores for producer / consumer interaction. Local environment model. Classification of designation and
synchronization alternatives. Direct and indirect designation. Synchronization for send and receive. Remote procedure calls.

Deadlock and deadlock management techniques.

Levels of scheduling. Criteria for evaluating scheduling algorithms. Basic CPU scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round-robin, Multilevel feedback queues). Methods for evaluation. Scheduling in UNIX and Linux.

Part 2: UNIX

Introduction to UNIX. File system. Access rights to files / directories. Basic UNIX commands. Filters. I/O redirection and command piping. Running shell commands. Execution mode of commands. Wildcards. Expansion control in the command line. Scripts: syntax and examples. Laboratory practice on UNIX file system and commands.

UNIX development tools. Process image. Command line arguments and environment. System calls for I/O (open, close, read, write, lseek, etc.). Laboratory practice on I/O primitives.

System calls for process management (fork, wait, exec). Examples. Laboratory practice on primitives for process management. Optional assignment on process management.

UNIX signals. Systems calls for the unreliable signals. Issues with unreliable signals. Primitives for reliable signals. Examples. Interprocess communication with pipes. Examples. Exercises on signals and pipes. Communication with FIFOs. Laboratory practice on signals and pipes.

Socket communication. Socket types. Notes on TCP and UDP protocols. Socket systems calls. Connected sockets. Concurrent servers. Datagram sockets. Examples. The select system call. Laboratory practice on socket communication.

Sample final exams.


Recommended textbooks:

Lecture notes and exercises with solutions are made available on the course web
site to registered students.

*Operating Systems Concepts - 8/ed, A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, G. Gagne. Wiley 2008,ISBN-13: 978-0470128725
* Advanced Linux Programming, http://www.advancedlinuxprogramming.com

Teaching methods

- Teaching methods -

Class lectures on OS theory and UNIX/Linux usage and programming.

Lab practice on Linux PCs in the lab. Exercises on UNIX/Linux commands and shells. Programming exercises on process interaction in UNIX/Linux.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam consists of two parts.

Part 1 - Theory: Written test with multiple open quizzes and exercises focused on basic concepts of operating systems (also administered as midterm).

Part 2 - Practice: Computer exercise on UNIX/LINUX programming and multiple process interaction. Working solution is required.

During the course an optional assignment on UNIX process management is administered, whose evaluation may be considered to increase the mark of the practice part.

Both exam parts must be passed. The final mark is obtained as average of the two partial marks. Further detailed information on the grading system will be provided during lectures.

Other information

Course web site available at: http://elly.dii.unipr.it for registered students.
Teaching material is published on the web site as course progresses.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Elena Roncai
T. +39 0521 903663
Office E. dia.didattica@unipr.it
Manager E. elena.roncai@unipr.it


President of the degree course

Gianluigi Ferrari
E. gianluigi.ferrari@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Giovanna Sozzi
E. giovanna.sozzi@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Guido Matrella
E. guido.matrella@unipr.it

Tutor professor

Boni Andrea
E. andrea.boni@unipr.it
Caselli Stefano
E. stefano.caselli@unipr.it
Cucinotta Annamaria
E. annamaria.cucinotta@unipr.it
Nicola Delmonte
E. nicola.delmonte@unipr.it
Mucci Domenico
E. domenico.mucci@unipr.it
Saracco Alberto
E. alberto.saracco@unipr.it
Ugolini Alessandro
E. alessandro.ugolini@unipr.it
Vannucci Armando
E. armando.vannucci@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Paolo Cova
E. paolo.cova@unipr.it
Corrado Guarino
E. corrado.guarinolobianco@unipr.it
Walter Belardi
E. walter.belardi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Massimo Bertozzi
E. massimo.bertozzi@unipr.it

Tutor students

SPAGGIARI Davide E. davide.spaggiari@unipr.it
MUSETTI Alex E. alex.musetti@unipr.it
BERNUZZI Vittorio E. vittorio.bernuzzi1@studenti.unipr.it
NKEMBI Armel Asongu E. armelasongu.nkembi@unipr.it
BASSANI Marco E. marco.bassani@unipr.it
ZANIBONI Thomas E. thomas.zaniboni@unipr.it
BOCCACCINI Riccardo E. riccardo.boccaccini@unipr.it
MORINI Marco E. marco.morini@unipr.it
SHOZIB Md Sazzadul Islam E. mdsazzadulislam.shozib@studenti.unipr.it