cod. 07016

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
400 hours
of face-to-face activities
16 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

1 descriptor Dublin: knowledge and understanding
knowledge of how to conduct diagnostic tests referred to "content"
2 Dublin descriptor: knowledge and understanding applied
application of the tests referred to in descriptor 1, in the practical assessment of visual function



Course unit content

- Refractometry objective, subjective and correction of refractive errors
- IOL MASTER: conduction examination in preparation for surgery
- Cover tests - Tests for the study of binocular vision in concomitant strabismus - Tests for the assessment and diagnosis of paralytic strabismus: Screen Hess, MOE in 9 positions of gaze, Test Bielschowsky, Principles and practical conduct of examinations
- Tests of color sensitivity: the notions of Tables pseudoisochromatic, anomaloscope of Naegel, 100 Hue test and practical conduct of the Panel D-15 - Consideration of contrast sensitivity: tests.

Full programme

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J.J. Kanski: “Oftalmologia clinica”, Masson Italia

Teaching methods

Practical lessons: the student, assisted by tutors, will be gradually introduced the performance of diagnostic tests covered by the course, through attendance at the center of the orthotic UOC Ophthalmology Parma

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam and practical test: the student will be asked to perform the test object in the course of the simulation system and also on the patient. The correctness of execution will contribute to the final vote, also resulting dall'intergazione with oral vertenete on the theoretical bases on the test in question.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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