Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding.
This module aims at introducing basic notions related to the operating principles of main semiconductor devices, to their application within digital circuits, to the architecture of digital systems, and to principal analysis and design methodologies.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Knowledge acquired by the student is exploited for driving the choice of appropriate solutions for device and circuit problems, given functional specifications.
The studenti is enabled to solve simple design problems and to carry out performance analysis on basic digital circuits.
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Course unit content
Fundamentals on semiconductor devices.
Introduction to digital circuits.
Full programme
I materiali semiconduttori: definizioni, caratteristiche e proprietà fondamentali.
La giunzione pn, il transistore bipolare, il transistore MOSFET: principi di funzionamento e modelli matematici comportamentali.
Caratteristiche generali dei circuiti digitali, definizioni, principali parametri e cifre di merito.
Margini di immunità ai disturbi, proprietà rigenerative. Ritardi di propagazione e tempi caratteristici.
Cenni alle famiglie logiche bipolari: circuiti a diodi, TTL, ECL.
Famiglie logiche MOS: nMOS, CMOS.
Il transistore MOS come interruttore: logiche a pass-transistor e transmission-gate.
Cenni alle logiche dinamiche CMOS
Problemi di interfacciamento: circuiti di ingresso/uscita, buffer.
J.M. Rabaey: "Digital Integrated Circuits, a Design Perspective", Prentice Hall
Millman, Grabel: Microelettronica, McGraw-Hill.
R. Menozzi, “Appunti di Elettronica”, Pitagora.
Teaching methods
The course includes:
- Oral lessons
- Classroom exercises, consisting of the solution of simple design and analysis problems, under the teacher’s guidance
Assessment methods and criteria
The final examination consists of:
- a written essay, consisting of the solution of some design and analysis problems
- an oral examination (access subject to the positive result of the written test), in which theory topics are discussed, as introduced in the oral lessons.
Other information
Course material is available at lea.unipr.it website
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