Learning objectives
The course aims to enable the student to know and understand the essential elements of the employment contract and the private, both those employed by public administrations, as we will investigate all joints and more fundamental problem that characterize the genesis, the development and conclusion of the report, in order to also provide the ability to use knowledge and understanding of the main issues and problems related to the legal bond between employer and employee. In addition, detailed analysis of the different institutions involved will give the student the opportunity, applying knowledge and understanding of the issues discussed, to acquire independence of judgment and critical approach in examining issues related to the formulation and contract placement in the working.
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Course unit content
The course is divided into two parts: the first part of the lectures will be devoted to foundational institutions of labor law, such as the source, collective bargaining, the role and functions of trade unions, a second part will be addressed instead of deepening issues related more closely to the employment contract: powers and duties of the parties, the labor market and flexible employment contracts, termination and protection of the rights of the employee. The lessons will take particular account the specificities related to employment in the health sector, as well as any changes in the law have arisen, while providing the tools, doctrine and jurisprudence, which are useful to interpret the various institutes.
Full programme
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R. DEL PUNTA, Diritto del lavoro, Giuffrè, Milano, 2015.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures. During the lectures will highlight the founding characteristics of each institution and discussed general issues related to their application and any court decisions relating to the interpretation of the largest and most controversial legal concepts involved.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of a written exam with multiple choice questions. With the first part of questions concerning the general contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content. Through a second part of questions concerning the management tools of the employment relationship will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of being able to apply the acquired knowledge.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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