Learning objectives
the student will 'acquire notions on' epidemiology and prognosis regarding The role of 'physical activity in the prevention of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle', with particular reference to healthy subjects and to some specific diseases examples
Course unit content
a) Definitions of physical activity
b) Benefits of increasing physical activity in healthy subjects, with special reference to :
Improved conditioning, strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness.
Improved mobility
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, thromboembolic stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, obesity, colon cancer, breast cancer, anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline
Reduced likelihood of falls and fall-related injuries.
Possible decreased incidence and severity of functional limitations
Improved patient outcomes in several chronic conditions, including mood disorders, dementia, chronic pain, congestive heart failure, stroke, constipation, and sleep
c) Benefits of increasing physical activity in pathological conditions
- patients with heart failure
- patients with renal failure, hemodialysis and renal transplantation
Teaching methods
Lectures will be conducted with the use of oral presentations with presentation of slides and interactive involvement of the student according to the schedule defined at the beginning of academic year
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation of the degree of preparation of the student will be with oral exams and focus on the content of the topics defined by the educational program