cod. 1003929

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - First semester
Luca Francesco Giuseppe LORENZI
Academic discipline
Analisi matematica (MAT/05)
Formazione matematica di base
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: CALCULUS 1

Learning objectives

The aim of the course consists in providing students with the basic knowledge of Mathematical Analysis


They are not required.

Course unit content

1. Real numbers.
Axiomatic definition of real numbers, maximum, minimum, least upper and greatest lower bound; integer part and modulus of real numbers; powers, roots, n-th roots of non-negative numbers; rational and irrational numbers and their density in the set of all the real numbers; intervals, distance; neighborhoods, accumulation points, isolated points, interior points; closed sets, open sets, frontier. The principle of induction.

2. Sequences and series.
Sequences of real numbers, convergent and divergent sequences, uniqueness of the limit; infinitesimal sequences; subsequences, a criterion for the non existence of the limit of a sequence; limit of the sum, product, quotient of sequences, permanence of the sign, comparison theorems; monotone sequences; the Nepero’s number; sequences defined by recurrence. Series with nonnegative terms: three criteria for their convergence (convergence by comparison, root and ratio tests); absolutely convergent series; Leibniz criterion; Some examples: geometric series, telescoping series.

3. Continuous functions.
One to one, surjective and bijective functions; inverse functions; graphs; monotone functions; exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Limits of functions with real values, uniqueness of the limit, limits of the restrictions; limit of the sum, product, quotient of two functions; permanence of the sign, comparison theorems; right and left limits; limits of monotone functions; continuity of real functions of a real variable, restrictions of continuous functions, composition of continuous functions; sum, product, quotient of continuous functions; examples of continuous functions; discontinuity, examples of discontinuous functions; zeroes of continuous functions defined in an interval; continuity and intervals; continuity and monotonicity; continuity of inverse functions; Weierstrass theorem.

4. Differential calculus.
Incremental ratio, derivatives, right and left derivatives; geometrical meaning of the derivative; derivation rules: derivatives of the sum, product, quotient of two functions; derivatives of composite functions and inverse functions; derivatives of elementary functions; relative maxima and minima; stationary points; connection between the monotonicity and the sign of the derivative; Rolle's theorem and Lagrange's theorem and their geometrical interpretation, Cauchy's theorem and de l'Hopital's theorem; convex functions, derivatives of convex functions, connection between the convexity and the sign of the second order derivative; study of local maxima and minima via the study of derivatives.

Full programme

1. Real numbers.
Axiomatic definition of real numbers, maximum, minimum, least upper and greatest lower bound; integer part and modulus of real numbers; powers, roots, n-th roots of non-negative numbers; rational and irrational numbers and their density in the set of all the real numbers; intervals, distance; neighborhoods, accumulation points, isolated points, interior points; closed sets, open sets, frontier. The principle of induction.

2. Sequences and series.
Sequences of real numbers, convergent and divergent sequences, uniqueness of the limit; infinitesimal sequences; subsequences, a criterion for the non existence of the limit of a sequence; limit of the sum, product, quotient of sequences, permanence of the sign, comparison theorems; monotone sequences; the Nepero’s number; sequences defined by recurrence. Series with nonnegative terms: three criteria for their convergence (convergence by comparison, root and ratio tests); absolutely convergent series; Leibniz criterion; Some examples: geometric series, telescoping series.

3. Continuous functions.
One to one, surjective and bijective functions; inverse functions; graphs; monotone functions; exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Limits of functions with real values, uniqueness of the limit, limits of the restrictions; limit of the sum, product, quotient of two functions; permanence of the sign, comparison theorems; right and left limits; limits of monotone functions; continuity of real functions of a real variable, restrictions of continuous functions, composition of continuous functions; sum, product, quotient of continuous functions; examples of continuous functions; discontinuity, examples of discontinuous functions; zeroes of continuous functions defined in an interval; continuity and intervals; continuity and monotonicity; continuity of inverse functions; Weierstrass theorem.

4. Differential calculus.
Incremental ratio, derivatives, right and left derivatives; geometrical meaning of the derivative; derivation rules: derivatives of the sum, product, quotient of two functions; derivatives of composite functions and inverse functions; derivatives of elementary functions; relative maxima and minima; stationary points; connection between the monotonicity and the sign of the derivative; Rolle's theorem and Lagrange's theorem and their geometrical interpretation, Cauchy's theorem and de l'Hopital's theorem; convex functions, derivatives of convex functions, connection between the convexity and the sign of the second order derivative; study of local maxima and minima via the study of the derivatives.


1. E. Acerbi, G. Buttazzo: Primo corso di Analisi Matematica, Ed. Pitagora, 1997.
2. E. Acerbi, G. Buttazzo: Analisi matematica ABC, Ed. Pitagora, 2000.
3. M. Bramanti, C.D. Pagani, S. Salsa: Analisi Matematica 1, Ed. Zanichelli, 2008.
4. M. Giaquinta, L. Modica: Analisi Matematica 1, vol. 1 & 2, Ed. Pitagora, 1998.

Teaching methods

Lectures and classoroom exercises. During the lectures the basic results of calculus for functions of one variable will be analyzed and discussed. Students will be provided also with the basic results on sequences of real numbers and numerical series. The classroom exercises are aimed at showing how and where the abstract results can be applied to make the students understand better the relevance of what they are studying.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam (Analisi Matematica 1 first part jointly with Analisi Matematica 1 second part) consists of a written part and an oral part in different dates.
Some evaluations in itinere are fixed: if all of them are positively marked, the student are relieved from the written part of the exam.

The written part (or the evaluations in itinere) is based on some exercises and it is aimed at evaluating the skills of the student
in applying the abstract results
proposed during the course to some concrete situations.

The oral part is aimed at evaluating the knowledge of the abstract results seen during the course, their proofs, and to evaluate the correct use of the mathematical terms.

Other information

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
dott.ssa Giulia Bonamartini

T. +39 0521 906968
E. servizio
E. del manager

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Morandin

Tutor Professors

Prof. Emilio Acerbi

Prof. Marino Belloni

Prof.ssa Maria Groppi

Prof.ssa Chiara Guardasoni

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Prof. Costantino Medori

Prof. Adriano Tomassini

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Fiorenza Morini

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Maria Groppi

Tutor students

Dott. Matteo Mezzadri