Learning objectives
Knowledge of the concepts and methods of univariate and bivariate statistics useful for chemical applications. Knowledge of data elaboration. Capacity of data interpretation.
Knowledge of the role of potentiometry and voltammetry in analytical chemistry. Advantages/disadvantages of these techniques
Role of sample treatment, choice of the best procedure for the achievemet of reliable results.
Basic mathematical and chemical concepts
Course unit content
Types of scale and measurements
Normal distribution, other distributions
Comparisons between rates and probability
Alpha and beta errors; a priori and a posteriori power
Student t test
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Analysis of variance with two or more criteria
Descriptive statistics for bivariate distributions
Sample treatment
Analytical Method selection
Full programme
Types of scale and measurements
Normal distribution, other distributions
Comparisons between rates and probability
Alpha and beta errors; a priori and a posteriori power
Student t test
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Homogeneity of variance (Cochran, Bartlett, Levene's test)
Analysis of variance with two or more criteria
Sample treatment
Lamberto Soliani (2008) Statistica applicata. UNI.NOVA, Parma.
ISBN:978-88-6319-041-0; www.uninova.net;
Edite dalla casa editrice di testi universitari UNINOVA di Parma, gruppo Pegaso Libreria Via Cavedani, 7;
Zar Jerrold (2010). Biostatistical Analysis, Fifth Edition. Pearson Education International, New Jersey;
J.N. Miller, J.C. Miller "Statistics and chemiometrics for Analytical Chemistry" Prentice Hall;
Spiegel Murray R. "Statistica" edito da The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003 (collana Schaum);
Sheldon M. Ross, Introduzione alla statistica 2a ed. 2014, Maggioli editore;
Testi internazionali gratuiti in rete,
EPA 530/R-09-007, March 2009, Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities. Unified Guidance, Environmental Protection Agency, United States;
EM 1110-1-4014, 31 Jan 2008, Environmental Quality - ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS, Department of the Army, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Teaching methods
The course develops in 72 hours of frontal teching during the which the students are guided to the understanting of the concepts of both chemometrics and voltammetry, potentiometry and sample treatment
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and oral examination to verify the acquisition of basic concepts of chemometrics for data elaboration and potentiometry ,voltammetry and sample treatment for the right choice of analytical methods
Other information
Educational material is available to the students
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