Learning objectives
The student must acquire some fundamental notions:
- Difference between adoption and fostering and its psychopedagogical aspects
- Law on fostering and adoption (national and international)
- Key concepts on family: affection, relationship, parenting
- Actors in fostering and adoption and their interactions
- Communication styles and relationships
- Critical abilities on case analysis and intervention hypoteses.
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Course unit content
The Course will focus on problems in adoption and fostering, in the framework of family education and its complexity in modern society.
The difference between the institutions of adoption and fostering will be made clear, seen as socio-cultural challenges in order to provide a rich and positive life context , relationships and good education to young people without a family or with a familiar environment causing sufference. Problems in law enforcement and related educational questions will be emphasized. Through some case studies fundamental themes as sense of belonging, double belonging problem, sense of parenting. role of social services.
Full programme
FIRST SECTION Introduction. Family as privileged education environment. Historical-anthropological elements. Functions and dysfunctions in family communication.
Fostering and adoption as response to social needs. Educational problems concerning the difference between the two institutions.
SECOND SECTION Juridical notions on fostering and adoption (national and international). Fostering: some theoretical basis. Context, risk and resilience. Actors in fostering and procedures. Individual educational project and life project.
THIRD SECTION Growth, intersubjectivity and affection. Effects of early deprivation and unorganized family relationships. National and international adoption: preparation and support of families, experiences of children and adolescents. The narrative of origins and construction of links. School and other educational contexts.
Course Books required for the exam:
L’affidamento famigliare. Dalla valutazione all’intervento.
Roma, Carrocci Faber.
D. VETTORI, M. MAINI, Essere in un gesto. I sensi dell'adozione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014.
L. PATI, (a cura di), Famiglie affidatarie risorsa educativa della comunità, Brescia, La scuola, 2008.
A cura di M. CHISTOLINI, La famiglia adottiva, Milano, FrancoAngeli 2011.
D. J. SIEGEL, M. HARTZELL, Errori da non ripetere. Come la conoscenza della propria storia aiuta ad essere genitori.
Raffaello Cortina, 2005
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons (with the aid of Power Point presentations), discussions in groups.
Practical simulations and multimedia will be largely used.
Discussions in groups on direct personal accounts of actors in fostering and/or adoption.
Assessment methods and criteria
During the course, evaluation criteria will be based on: attendance to lessons, active participation during lessons and laboratories
The final assessment is based on a Written test with multiple-choice questions, on some compulsory theoretical books.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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