Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: historical outline of the period, direct knowledge of the texts, ability in interconnecting these two aspects.
Applying knowledge and understanding: interpretating some texts of the given period, using simple historical-pedagogical tools.
Making judgements: this is the main transversal goal of the course.
Communication skills: Ability to explain his own work in reading and interpretating texts with a correct and pertinent Language, even if not technical.
Learning skills: proportional to individual talents.
Course unit content
Title of the course: "Pierpaola a Lascia o Raddoppia". Juvenile literature in the Italian "economic miracle" years
Full programme
See "Contents".
1. Giana Anguissola: "Coda di cavallo" (1959) [materiale didattico].
2. Giovanni Arpino, Le mille e una Italia (ed. or. 1960), ed. Lindau, 2011.
3. Giana Anguissola,"Il signor Serafino" (ed. or. 1965), ristampa, Mursia editore.
4. Renée Reggiani, Il treno del sole, 1962 [materiale didattico]
5. Italo Calvino, Marcovaldo (1963), qualsiasi edizione in commercio, purché integrale.
Lettura saggistica:
Giana Anguissola. Alla scoperta di una grande scrittrice per ragazzi, Atti del Convegno di Roma, Mursia 2015.
Teaching methods
Lecture; reading with comments; debate in the classroom; where possible, collective exercices on selected texts.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination.
Other information
With the course a seminar by dott.ssa Laura Madella will be offered.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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