cod. 1004585

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Pedagogia generale e sociale (M-PED/01)
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The course aims to achieve the following goals, in line with the "Dublin descriptors":
1. To know the basic terminology of pedagogy and education, as well as the main concepts of social pedagogy and media education.
2.1. To critically analyze and elaborate the concepts studied, linking themes, authors and trends.
2.2. To connect theories to cases of educational work, analyzed and understood with the specific conceptual tools of the discipline.
4. To communicate in writing their thoughts on educational issues.



Course unit content

The course explores in a systematic way the issue of the educational needs expressed in social communities, especially those related to cultural changes and today's polycentric structure of the education system. In particular, we will focus on the themes of social inequality, the relationship between education, inequality, and solidarity, and the debate on education as a public or private good, under the light of Critical Pedagogy in Latin America and the United States. Finally, the last part of the course will be devoted to the role of media in implicit education, to the gap in the possession of digital skills and the opportunities provided by media literacy.

Full programme

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Students are required to study four books:
• S. TRAMMA, Pedagogia sociale, Milano, Guerini, 2010 (new edition).
• P. FREIRE, La pedagogia degli oppressi, Torino, Gruppo Abele, 2011.
• C. BETTI – C. BENELLI (a cura di), Gli adolescenti fra reale e virtuale. Scuola, famiglia e relazioni sociali, Milano, Unicopli, 2012 [chapters 3 and 9 excluded].
• D. FELINI, Pedagogia dei media. Questioni, percorsi e sviluppi, Brescia, La Scuola, 2004 [chapter 5 excluded].
The program of the exam, and the advised books, are the same for any students, regardless of the program in which (s)he is enrolled.

Teaching methods

Lecture, group discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation will take place through a written examination consisting of three open questions (there is no term evaluation).
The questions will concern the concepts of social pedagogy and media pedagogy, the connection between terms, concepts, theories, trends and authors, and the link between theories and typical situations of the out-of-school educational work, especially with adolescents and youngsters.
It is considered sufficient the examination which shows, with proper language and terminology, the understanding of the basic concepts. The appropriate reference to authors and trends, the connection or comparison between theories, and the application of theory to practice (and vice versa) are elements that concur to determine a grade above satisfactory.

Other information

The program of the exam, and the advised books, are the same for any students, regardless of the program in which (s)he is enrolled. Since January 2015, this is the only valid program; pas programs are not valid anymore.