Learning objectives
Thanks to the course, the student can develop empirical research and social development. This point of view is different. The fact research provides new insights about the tools and methodologies to build primary and secondary networks. The student can improve his way of doing the interviews with the families for the emergence of new needs (Dublin Area 1)
In the second part of the course the student can improve its capacity for coordination and supervision in relation to the different contexts in which the family is on. It can learn to projects that enhance the perspective of empowerment the human and structural resources already present in the specific context. (Dublin Area 2)
At the end of the course the student will be able to prepare the submission of a proposal and to expose it in front of an audience. (Dublin Area 3 and 4)
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Course unit content
In the first part of the course dealt with the Fattore4 slogan that guides the welfare of the third millennium and at the heart of the choices a person's autonomy, the territorial capital and the cost of services.
The main contents cover
- From welfare state to welfare community
- The principle of subsidiarity
- Family and social networks
- The network intervention: The exploration phase
- The intervention of the network: the mobilization phase
In the second part of the course are deepened the process of embrittlement of the company, the reduction of financial resources available to local governments and the prospects of a strong welfare retrenchment with the consequences that this will bring.
In the last part of the course which can be explored possible avenues of work. The main contents are addressed:
- Secondary networks
- The support between families: the forms
- The associated families: an emerging phenomenon
- Good relational practices of w. c.
- The partnership
The key words proposed by the author are: governance, assessment, ICT, subsidiarity, well being and social responsibility.
Full programme
Program is useful for frequentant and non frequentant students.
For the exam:
Fondazione Emanuela Zancan (2014), Welfare generativo. Responsabilizzare, rendere, rigenerare. La lotta alla povertà. Rapporto 2014, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Luciano Malfer, Fattore 4. Uno slogan per la sostenibilità del welfare, FranAngeli, 2011
- Sanicola L., “Dinamiche di rete e lavoro sociale”
Teaching methods
During the course the teacher will offer case studies to problematize and exercises to improve the ability of coordination and planning. The students will present an innovative project to propose a solution to community welfare. The student can alternatively present a study of best practices or benchmarks about the experiences of community welfare for families in Europe.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course will be assessed through an oral examination which considers:
- The dissertation project carried out individually or in groups, or dissertation about the study of best practices or benchmarks about the experiences of community welfare for families in Europe.
- A discussion of dialogue with the teacher guided by some questions such as: "What would be its contribution as a social worker to the enhancement of experiences of community welfare? What might be recognized as the elements for the construction of a relationship effectiveness-efficiency for the welfare? ...
The exam will be considered sufficient if the student demonstrates to use the contents to formulate opinions on autonomy and capacity for abstraction.
The examination will not be enough if the student will use the contents only for a mnemonic repetition and orientation within the complexity of the contexts and content covered during the course.
Other information
Contents will be treated thanks to reading the novel:
J. K. Rowling, "Il seggio vacante", Adriano Salani Editore, 2012
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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