cod. 1003118

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia giuridica, della devianza e mutamento sociale (SPS/12)
Discipline sociologiche e di servizio sociale
Type of training activity
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to present some important issues of sociology of law related to specific kind of social services, in the framework of social policies.


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Course unit content

After a general introduction, the lessons will be developed through some thematic units: social control, prison and penal policies ; rights of children and family law in a scociological perspective.

Full programme

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Text books are two.
The first will be selected among:

G. MAGGIONI, Percorsi di sociologia del diritto, Liguori, Napoli, 2012 (pp. 287)

E. SANTORO (a cura di), Diritto come questione sociale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2010 (pp. 238).

The second, among:
A.CERETTI, R.CORNELLI, Oltre la paura. Cinque riflessioni su società, criminalità e politica, Milano, FELTRINELLI, 2013 (pp. 225).

C. Scivoletto, a cura di, Tempo e fiducia. L’affido eterofamiliare del minore, Carocci, in corso di stampa , pp. 128(uscita prevista : settembre 2013);

M.D. Allodi, Famiglie al confine. Tutela dei Minori e Recupero della Genitorialità, FrancoAngeli, Milano (in corso di pubblicazione)

V. BELOTTI, e Al., Il futuro nel presente. Per una sociologia delle bambine e dei bambini, Milano, Guerini, 2011 (pp . 379);

P. CIARDIELLO (a cura di), Quale pena, Milano, Unicopli, 2004 (pp. 357);

V. POCAR, P. RONFANI, Il giudice e i diritti dei minori, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2004 (pp. 129);

F. VIANELLO, Il carcere. Sociologia del penitenziario, Carocci, Roma, 2012 (pp. 99);

Nota: Additional literature will be suggested during the classes.

Teaching methods

Lectures and workshops conducted by social workers

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination

The oral exam will be consist in three questions related to the whole program of the course.
In both cases, the tests will focus on the the following learning areas:
• Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding) of the issues and topics presented during the classes;
• Knowledge and understanding applied (applying knowledge and understanding) to social services, in particular both by theoretical learning and seminars and tutorials;

• Making judgments (making Judgements), providing interpretative hypothesis and personal reflections on the issues presented in the course;

• Communication skills (communication skills) of the student;

• Ability to learn, retain and further develop the learning, even in a personal way.

The test will be considered approved with a score of:

- 18 to 21/30 if the student demonstrates sufficient knowledge in these areas of learning -
between 21 and 24 /30 if the student demonstrates mastery in discrete areas of learning such;
- 24 to 27/30 if the student demonstrates good command in these areas of learning;
- Between 28 and 30/30 if the student demonstrates excellent knowledge in these areas of learning;
- 30 and lode if the student shows excellent qualities of understanding and excellent comprehension skills applied , and also excellent communication skills and maturity of ratings.

Other information

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