Learning objectives
- To acquire knowledge regarding the meaning assigned to the concept of competence.
- To be able to analyze critically these definitions of competence.
- To be able to identify the main characteristics of didactics models for the planning and the evaluation of a competence.
Course unit content
- Critical analysis of different definitions of competence.
- Introduction of the concept of “scholastic competence”.
- Introduction to the rationale didactics.
- Introduction of an hypothetic didactic model about the competence development: planning, training and evaluation.
LASTRUCCI E., Progettare, programmare e valutare l'attività formativa, Anicia, Roma 2007.
PERRENOUD P., Costruire competenze a partire dalla scuola, tr. it. Anicia, Roma 2010.
PELLEREY M., Competenze. Conoscenze, abilità, atteggiamenti, Tecnodid, Napoli 2011.
GIACOMANTONIO A., «Gianni» e «il figlio del dottore» quattro anni dopo, Nuova Cultura, Roma 2010.
GATTY J., Finalità dell'educazione, tr. it. Anicia, Roma 2010.
Students have to chose an essay from the following:
MATTEI F. (a cura di), La formazione professionale. Scorci storici e problemi aperti, Anicia, Roma 2012.
POSTIGLIONE R. M., La formazione professionale. Appunti teorici su dispositivi didattici, pratiche sociali e politiche formative, Anicia, Roma 2011, pp. 1-86.
Teaching methods
• Lectures.
• Preparation of a brief talk on a specific subject.
Assessment methods and criteria
• Assessment of learning through a test.
• Possible oral exam.