cod. 1004834

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Dublin descriptor: knowledge and understanding
learn about the pathophysiology of low vision and diseases that lead to low vision, with particular attention to? functional amblyopia and eye movement disorder in adults and in children
2 Dublin descriptor: knowledge and understanding applied
diagnose the different clinical forms of low vision and amblyopia (functional and cross-eyed)
3 descriptor Dublin: Judgement
reach a sufficient level of autonomy to run a clinical diagnosis of low vision
4 descriptor Dublin: communication skills
the student should speak with the correct technical language
5 Dublin descriptor: ability to learn
The student will learn the systems of low vision rehabilitation and treatment, with particular attention to diagnostic therapeutic dell'ambliopia functional forms of failure of convergence and of orthotic treatment in the alterations of the extrinsic ocular motility


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Course unit content

The course aims to acquaint students with additional diseases that possonocausare low vision in adults and children, as well as the pathophysiological basis dell'amblipia (cross-eyed and cross-eyed).
It also provides definitions of blindness, visual disability, disability support and shows the current Italian legislation inmateria.
The course also presents the rehabilitation program in low vision in children, with particular attention to the learning of reading and writing.
The course also focuses attention on the psychology of the subject visually impaired.
Finally, through the learning of visual and functional assessment of the person with low vision, particular attention is paid to the knowledge of the most modern electronic aids

Full programme

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- Colembrander, D. C. Fistcher: 'Oftalmologia clinica nel Nord America - Ipovisione e riabilitazione visiva', Verducu Editore

- Fondazione R. Hollman 'Sight First: l'intervento precoce nei bambini con deficit visivo ', Lions Club Verbania

- P. B. Freeman, Randal T. Jose: 'The art and practice of low vision',Buttersworth-Hainemann a division of Reed Publishing (USA) Inc.

- Organ Backman, Krister Inde: 'Riabilitazione visiva del paziente ipovedente', Fabiano Editore

- Luigi Luparelli: 'Ipovisione: i fondamenti e la pratica', Medical Books.

- Gunter K. Von Noorten: 'Visione binoculare e motilità oculare', Ed.Medical Books
- M. Maione, G. Maraini: 'L'unità visiva sensorio-motoria", Ed. Libreria Goliardica (PR)

Teaching methods

oral lectures and tutorials theoretical and practical. The lessons will be preparatory to share activity in the laboratory of low vision and at the Center of the UOC orthotic Ophthalmology (Az University Hospital of Parma).

Assessment methods and criteria

oral examination. The examination will focus on the content of the course. The student must show that it has a sufficient level of knowledge of both disciplines in which it is articulated Integrated Course. The final grade will be the average resulting from that obtained in the evaluations concerning the individual disciplines

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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