cod. 1004984

Academic year 2014/15
3° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
3 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The Public Health is designed as the main educational objective of providing
students with the basic knowledge to understand risk factors and
determinants of health / illness concepts in the context of prevention.
Among the acquired skills, students will be able to:
-recognize individual, environmental genetic risk factors, and hypothesize
causal relationships with diseases,build simple epidemiological analyzes in their discipline of belonging, to
read and comment critically the literature or ad hoc surveys.
In this way, students will gain their judgment independence.
Students will have the focus between the major diagnostic methods to
learn about semiotics. Conventional radiology, TC, RM and angiography.
Know the TC and RM.


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Course unit content

The Public Health refer to the epidemiology and prevention
concepts of infectious and chronic-degenerative diseases and to
epidemiological methodology to support hygiene and public health with
reference to the key measures of frequency and association, to the
concepts of networks and causal risk factors and the classification of
epidemiological studies. In this context, discusses some basic tools of
Public Health used in primary, secondary (screening) and tertiary.,
The second discipline is about :
Main diagnostic procedures. Operation of x-ray equipment, TC, RM and
bases of radio protection of patients and operator. A basic review of
radiology about organs and systems using conventional radiology TC, RM
an angiography.

Full programme

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o C. Signorelli – Igiene Epidemiologia Sanità Pubblica secrets
o Società Editrice
Universo VI Ed. 2011
.Barbuti -Fara –Giammanco- Carducci- Coniglio - AAVV. IGIENE Ed.
Ecig, 2008, 6° edizione
i III Ed. 2011

Teaching methods

The lessons are frontal with the aid of computerized
Lectures and practical sessions for small groups of students

Assessment methods and criteria

The final assessment consists of an oral examination designed to
ascertain the understanding of the topics covered through 2 general
questions (one on the more properly hygienistic and one on the part of
epidemiological methodology) structured in such a way as to allow links
between topics in the subject

The proof of the achievements of the course objectives will be obtained
by a written test. Specific questions related to what discussed during this
course will ascertain if the students have achieved both knowledge and
comprehension of the course issues. Students will have to demonstrate
their ability in applying the achieved knowledge through exemplifying
clinical cases.ze acquisite.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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