Course-specific learning objectives

The Second-cycle Degree Course in Management Engineering aims to train an engineer capable of understanding and managing the systemic issues that characterise the life of companies. The course aims to train a graduate who is culturally prepared on both the technological and economic/managerial fronts.
Specific objectives concern:
- The creation of a figure with a solid background in the areas that characterise the management of the business system articulated in its various sub-components (e.g. logistics, production, marketing, finance, administration and control);
- The in-depth study of analytical and interpretative models of the nature of inter-organisational relations in the supply chain (supply chain management and extended information systems) and the analysis of the environment in which the business operates (financial system, competitive system, regulatory/institutional system).
The graduate in management engineering will possess a sound knowledge of business integration and coordination technologies and qualitative-quantitative methodologies to support business decisions. This advanced instrumentation can be profitably applied to the management of production systems and innovation projects in which the organisational variable plays a highly critical role, as well as to the management of commercial and financial issues in which technical-scientific knowledge appears to be an indispensable condition for effective operations.
It should be noted, however, that while economic-managerial issues are largely common to all areas of management engineering, technical issues are characterised by differences that make it problematic to identify a common denominator at the specialist level.
For this reason, the the course units offered in the Second-cycle Degree Course in Management Engineering are divided into two macro-types articulated in three different educational paths (curricula) (see framework A4.b2 below for details).
The first, common to all members, and characterised by the topics that together form the backbone of the future management engineer's education. These themes characterise the cultural profile of the future management engineer in areas such as business information management and business information systems, data analysis, design and development of management control systems and business development strategies as well as the area of design and control of physical and information flows, industrial logistics and supply/distribution chain control.
The second allows the individual student to choose the professional profile most suited to his or her characteristics, thus completing his or her technical-economic-scientific training. In them, course units are offered related to:
- the design, management and simulation of logistics/production systems according to principles of maximum efficiency;
- the design and management of quality production systems through the selection and management of the most suitable production technologies for individual manufacturing contexts;
- the economic/financial aspects in the management of the company as a whole.
In teaching, ample space is devoted to activities complementary to traditional lectures, such as internships and company visits, seminars, discussion of case studies. Lastly, the design and development of the final thesis is required to make an appropriate commitment in order to stimulate problem-solving skills and decision-making and operational autonomy.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini
T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.


Course president

Francesco Zammori

Faculty advisor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Career guidance delegate

Giovanni Romagnoli

Tutor professor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Erasmus delegates

Roberto Montanari
Fabrizio Moroni
Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey

Quality assurance manager

Francesco Zammori

Tutor students