Characteristics of the final examination

The final examination consists of the presentation of a thesis written in an original manner by the student under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis may consist of an in-depth analysis of a service and its structures, and/or the identification of problem areas of a social service/intervention and/or the drafting of an intervention project.
The dissertation and the public discussion thereof will provide elements of judgement regarding the candidate's mastery of the selection and reworking of the main literature in the sector, including foreign literature. In the case of an experimental or research thesis, the candidate will demonstrate competence in the use of social research methods as well as autonomy and the ability to make judgements on the subject matter.

Conduct of the final examination

To be admitted to the second-cycle degree examination, the student must:

  • have passed all the prescribed examinations and have acquired the certificates and any  ECTS credits laid down in the regulations;
  • be in order with the payment of fees, university contributions and incidental expenses;
  • be registered for the second-cycle degree examination.  

The final examination consists of a report on the critical analysis of a service and its structures, the identification of problem areas and the drafting of an intervention project.  The report will be discussed in the thesis.
In awarding the degree mark, expressed in one hundred tenths, with honours where appropriate, on a unanimous proposal, the Committee takes into account the progress of the discussion and the candidate's curriculum vitae.
Dissertations, regardless of the number of credits in the final examination, are divided into:

  • Curricular thesis: a dissertation that addresses a circumscribed topic and is accompanied by a critical review of the literature on the subject.


  • Research thesis: this is understood to be the dissertation that requires a thorough and comprehensive treatment, expressing good independent work and critical thinking skills.

Guide for online application for a degree

Guide for online entry of thesis work

Thesis preparation

Students in the degree course in Planning and Management of Social Workcan take advantage of the thesis preparation course organised periodically by the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies. The aim of the course is to provide students with the indispensable methodological criteria that must govern the drafting of the paper (notions necessary for the retrieval and selection of materials, indications on the correct use of citations, etc.).

The course, taught by a researcher or research grant holder, takes place in February and September of each academic year, and consists of at least two meetings of two hours each.

Attendance at the Course is not compulsory.

For the a.y. 2022/2023, the thesis preparation course will be held on the following dates:

⇒ Enrolment Previous meetings

⇒ Guide to Searching for, retrieving and using documents for the dissertation in the legal, political, social field



AlmaLaurea questionnaire

Graduating students must complete the AlmaLaurea questionnaire: ⇒ AlmaLaurea Questionnaire for graduating students

The questionnaire allows students to contribute, with their own judgement, to improving the University, to orienting future students and to carrying out surveys to monitor how the professionalism of graduates fits into the world of work.

Alma Graduation

Enrolment Brochure


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Francesca Nori
T. +39 0521 034581
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Paola Torretta

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Vincenza Pellegrino

Carrer guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Chiara Scivoletto

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Stefania Fucci

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Susanna Palladini