Thesis/Final examination
The final exam consists of the discussion of an original thesis on a topic within a subject listed in the student's study plan, agreed upon between the student and a faculty supervisor, and developed by the candidate under the supervision of the supervisor and possibly a co-supervisor, who can be chosen from the university's faculty or from professionals and researchers relevant to the degree course. Before the discussion, students must have successfully completed the second module of the online Digital Literacy course (Bibliopatente 2) provided by the Laboratory for Digital Skills. The student certifies their attendance by uploading the attendance certificate into the system.
The Commission for the final exam for obtaining the Master's Degree (Graduation Committee) is composed of at least five members and is appointed by the Department Director (according to the University's Teaching Regulations). A score from 0 to 7 is assigned to the thesis and discussion, regardless of the type of thesis, and this score is added to the weighted average of the grades obtained during the student's academic career. The total sum constitutes the final graduation grade, expressed on a scale of 110, with the possibility of honors upon unanimous approval of the Committee. The evaluation includes the progression of the discussion, the candidate’s curriculum, and the verification of the achievement of the program's objectives (in terms of knowledge and understanding, judgment autonomy, communication skills) by the student, as demonstrated throughout the thesis development period.
The thesis can be written in a language other than Italian, in accordance with the University's Teaching Regulations (Art. 39) and with prior authorization from the supervisor, the co-supervisor (if applicable), and the Degree Course Council.
According to the resolution of the Academic Senate SA/23-03-2021/42 - Proposals for rewarding student representatives in university bodies and organizations, the Degree Course Council awards one additional point in the final exam for the commitment made by the student over at least one year of representation, with at least 75% attendance at the meetings of the Academic Senate, Board of Directors, Evaluation Unit, Student Council, University Quality Assurance Office, Single Guarantee Committee, Committee for University Sports, Department Council, Parity Commission of Faculty and Students, Departmental Quality Assurance Office, Degree Course Council, Review Group. The student must self-certify their participation by sending a communication to the thesis supervisor when submitting the graduation application, specifying the type of collegial body, the duration of the representation mandate, and the dates of the meetings attended. The supervisor, with the help of the Academic Manager, will verify the self-certification and inform the President of the Graduation Committee.
Toll-free number
800 904 084Student registry office
Quality assurance office
Education manager:
Ms Anna Deiana
T. +39 0521 903501
E. servizio
E. del manager
President of the degree course
Prof. Paolo Russo
Faculty advisor
Prof. Simone Ferrari
Career guidance delegate
Prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani
Tutor Professors
Prof. Simone Ferrari
Erasmus delegates
Prof. Francesca Bortoletti
Quality assurance manager
Prof. Giorgio Milanesi
Prof.ssa Elisabetta Fadda
Prof.ssa Federica Veratelli
Tutor students
Dott.ssa Carlotta Rossi