Double degree

On the basis of special agreements concluded with foreign universities as part of internationalisation projects, the University offers international training courses that allow the acquisition of a double degree.
Courses of study leading to a double, multiple or joint degree are courses of study organised with foreign universities that provide for forms of curriculum integration and structured student mobility schemes, with mutual recognition of learning activities.
The double degree is in fact an integrated study programme that allows students to spend part of their university career abroad at a partner university in agreement with it, obtaining, at the end of the course, both an Italian and a foreign qualification and guaranteeing recognition of their degree in both countries.
The main features distinguishing double, multiple or joint degree programmes are the following: mobility: the student attends part of his or her career at the University of Parma and part at the foreign universities involved; full recognition of activities carried out abroad; at the end of the course, a double degree (one from the University of Parma and one from the foreign partner university) or a multiple degree (one from the University of Parma and at least two others from foreign partner universities) or joint degree (a single degree awarded by the University and at least one partner university) is obtained.
Dual/multiple degree programmes are unique opportunities that offer the student the valuable advantage of benefiting academically, professionally and culturally from different contexts and of acquiring transversal skills: a specific added value that generates an international profile ready to face global challenges.

ADA Double Degree


The Department of Economics and Management at the University of Parma has set up, in collaboration with foreign universities, various Double Degree (DD) projects that allow students to obtain two degrees at the same time at the end of their studies (two years).

The project is part of the internationalisation process initiated by our university and extends the possibilities for students to study internationally.

The Second-cycle degree course in Business Administration and Management - ADA - has activated three Double Degree courses:

Double Degree | Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France | 

Double Degree | Université FECAP - Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, Sao Paulo, Brazil |

Double Degree | Hochschule Bochum, Germany |

For more information see the pages: International (programmes offered by the University) and International Exchanges (programmes based on specific agreements between the Department of Economics and Business Sciences and foreign universities).

Departmental DD contact person: prof. Fabio Landini 


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 902377

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Maria Giovanna Levati
T. +39 0521 032474
Office E.
Manager E.  

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Fornaciari

Faculty advisor

Prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Chiara Panari

Tutor Professor

Prof. Luca Fornaciari

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Andrea Cilloni


Quality assurance manager

Prof. Pierdanilo Adriano Beltrami

