Advising and guidance

Guidance refers to all activities aimed at enabling future and current students to plan and manage their learning in a way that is consistent with their personal life goals and makes full use of their individual skills and interests to achieve personal fulfilment.

Depending on the stage of the university process at which these activities are carried out, a distinction is made between:

Incoming guidance: carried out before the choice of degree course, incoming guidance is aimed at future students and offers support in identifying which course to take based on individual interests, expectations and aptitudes. In this phase, the various possible scenarios are presented to the future student and the alternatives of the university curriculum are illustrated;
ongoing guidance: carried out during the university career, it is aimed at enrolled students and is designed to guide them through the degree courses they are on, enabling them to better interact with the structures and the university context.


In addition to publicising the degree course within the initiatives organised by the University, the guidance delegate of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences is responsible for answering questions from those who contact the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences for information on the second-cycle degree course in Mathematics.

As part of the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Summer Traineeship, organised by the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Guidance Committee of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, in collaboration with the Unified Course Council of the Mathematics degree course and the Mathematics second-cycle degree course, a number of seminars are organised (some of which are held by Mathematics graduates from the University of Parma who are involved in the world of work and/or research), which illustrate applications of mathematics within their profession. This initiative is certainly of value in terms of guidance, as it help students on the Mathematics Degree Course at the University of Parma to form a clearer idea as to which specialization to follow within the second-cycle degree course and shows them how the knowledge acquired in the university career can be applied in the world of work.


Ongoing tutoring and guidance

Ongoing guidance is carried out by Professor/Instructor Tutors and is aimed at all enrolled students, to guide and support them during their training, guiding and advising them in their choices and supporting them in the organization of their studies, with the aim of building a coherent training curriculum and preventing delays in the completion of their studies.

The delegate for Tutoring is Prof. Luca Lorenzi


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
dott.ssa Giulia Bonamartini

T. +39 0521 906968
Office E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Morandin

Tutor Professors

Prof.ssa Alessandra Aimi

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Prof. Adriano Tomassini


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Leonardo Biliotti

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Alessandra Aimi


Prof. Costantino Medori

Tutor students

Dott.ssa Fabiola Ricci