In addition to publicising the degree course within the initiatives organised by the University, the guidance delegate of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences is responsible for answering questions from those who contact the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences for information on the second-cycle degree course in Mathematics.
As part of the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Summer Traineeship, organised by the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Guidance Committee of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, in collaboration with the Unified Course Council of the Mathematics degree course and the Mathematics second-cycle degree course, a number of seminars are organised (some of which are held by Mathematics graduates from the University of Parma who are involved in the world of work and/or research), which illustrate applications of mathematics within their profession. This initiative is certainly of value in terms of guidance, as it help students on the Mathematics Degree Course at the University of Parma to form a clearer idea as to which specialization to follow within the second-cycle degree course and shows them how the knowledge acquired in the university career can be applied in the world of work.