cod. 05142

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Medicina interna (MED/09)
Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: MEDICAL CLINIC

Learning objectives

The course is part of General Medicine Teaching or integrated course of Medicine I. The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of internal medicine general interest, also in order to allow the student the ability to use knowledge and understanding acquired in identifying the patient's problems related to the condition of the person suffering from the disease to internal medicine and general preparation of a plan of care appropriately.


Knowledge of physiology, general pathology, semiotics

Course unit content

Systematic clinical approach to the patient's internist. Acceptance, clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental setting of examinations and their proper use; diagnostic and therapeutic. Setting the follow-up. Relations with the paziente and the family. Integration and coordination in the hospital.

Full programme

Course program of General Medicine General symptoms:
• The sensory
• The facies
• The decubitus
• The skin and its alterations
• Fever and the changes induced by fever on the various organs and systems.
Diseases of various organs and systems: Diseases of the respiratory system:
• Clinical Manifestations: disordered breathing, chest pain, acute and chronic cough, sputum, hemoptysis, and hemoptysis, cyanosis.
• Survey methods: laboratory, diagnostic imaging, functional assessment, endoscopy, techniques to obtain biological material.
• Pleural and pneumothorax
• Middle Clinical Overview: COPD, pneumonia.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
• General Symptoms of diseases of the heart: fatigue and lack of energy, difficulty breathing, cyanosis, palpitations, chest pain, edema, changes in urination, syncope. • Instrumental investigations: ECG, chest X-ray, ECG, ECG dynamic, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, CT, MRI, PET, cardiac catheterization.
• primary and secondary arterial hypertension: diagnostic evaluation.
• Middle Clinical Overview: ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, valvular disease, pericardial effusion, heart failure, shock.
Diseases of the digestive system
General Symptoms of diseases of the digestive symptoms (nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, malabsorption, dyspepsia, dysphagia, odynophagia, heartburn, esophageal pain, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding).
• Investigations in gastroenterology (endoscopy, diagnostic imaging radiology, ultrasound, endoscopic ultrasound, CT, MRI, scintigraphic examinations; manometry)
• Major symptoms: gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, chronic inflammatory disease. Diseases of the liver
• General Symptoms: Jaundice, ascites, edema, rash, foetor hepaticus, altered state of consciousness.
• Semiotics functional liver: laboratory (parenchymal function indexes, cytolysis, cholestasis, of inflammation).
• Investigations in hepatology: ultrasound, CT, MRI, scintigraphy, laparoscopy and biopsy.
• Major symptoms: acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
Diseases of the exocrine pancreas
• Symptoms of general acute and chronic diseases of the pancreas.
• Evaluation of laboratory, instrumental and imaging.
• Major symptoms: acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Diseases of the blood, lymphatic system and spleen:
• General Symptoms: The major hematologic syndromes: anemic, poliglobulica, neutropenic hemorrhagic thrombocytopenia, splenomegaly, linfoadenopathies.
• Evaluation of clinical, laboratory and instrumental.
• Major symptoms: anemia, myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative disorders, thrombocytopenia .
Diseases of the immune system, connective tissue, allergies
• General concepts
Bone diseases:
• General concepts of the main metabolic bone diseases.
• Diagnostic laboratory and instrumental evaluation of bone diseases.
Endocrine diseases
• Semiotics physical and clinical signs of major diseases of the hypothalamic- pituitary axis, anterior and posterior pituitary, thyroid, adrenal cortex and medulla, testes and ovary.
• Semiotics physical and clinical signs of major diseases of metabolism, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, gout.
• Major symptoms: Acromegaly, Diabetes insipidus, hyper-and hypothyroidism, goiter, thyroiditis, thyroid nodule syndrome and Cushing's disease, pheochromocytoma, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia
Diseases of the kidney and urinary tract
• Main clinical signs of disease of the kidneys.
• Evaluation of laboratory, radiological and instrumental (urinalysis, renal function tests, diagnostic imaging, renal biopsy).
• Major symptoms: glomerular nephropathy, tubulointerstitial and vascular disorders. Urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Acute and chronic renal failure.


Medicina Interna - Renato Massini - 3^ Edizione - McGraw - Hill

Teaching methods

Lessons and Clinical activities at the bedside hospitalized.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral part of the examination of General Medicine

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Manager della didattica:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Elena Giovanna Bignami

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Teaching site Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma
Dott.ssa Rachele La Sala 

Teaching site Azienda USL di Parma
Dott.ssa Lucia Gotri 

Teaching site Azienda USL di Piacenza
Dott.ssa Cinzia Merlini 


Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Ampollini

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo

Dott.ssa Francesca Costa

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Enzo Poli

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo

Erasmus delegate

Prof. Roberto Sala

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Ronda

Internationalization delegate

Dott. Sandrino Marra