Learning objectives
1- Basic knopwledge of descriptive psychopathology
2- Being able to evaluate in an appropriate way the main symptoms involving mood and anxiety
3- Being able to give the main psychoeducation information to patients and family
4- Being able to adapt their own behaviour when facing a specific psychiatric disorder
Course unit content
1- Perception
2- Cognition and Attention
3- Learning and Memory
4- Temperament, Character and Personality
5- Mood, emotins and feelings
6- Stress and Coping
7- Descriptive Psychopathology and clincal vignettes
Full programme
Descriptive Psychopathology:
1- Sarteschi-Maggini "Manuale di psichiatria" 1982
2- Cassano-Tundo "Psicopatologia e clinica psichiatrica" 2015
Teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
Written multiple-choice test (in itinere exam); students will also be able
to implement their grades during an additional oral test (upon request to
the teacher) should they be unsatisfied with the grade they got from the
written test. However, this specification only applies to those students
who passed the written test (score> or = 18). Questions of the written
test will pertain the topics discussed during classes. The oral test will
address those items which the student failed to give the correct answer
in the written test.
Other information
Power Point presentation are considered part of the teaching materials. Students that won't be able to attend lectures are strongly advised to check the abovementioned notes.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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