Learning objectives
Give to the student the basic principles and tools for computer programming in C.
Course unit content
Basic programming in C language; control structures; simple and structured data types; functions
Full programme
- Introduction to processing systems and their history
- data representations in computrers
- C programming: fundamentals
- simple datatypes; constants and variables; type casting
- I/O functions
- control structures
- structured datatypes: arrays and records
- search and ordering of arrays
- functions
KELLEY, POHL, "C: Didattica e Programmazione", Pearson Addison Wesley, 4a edizione, 2004.
BELLINI, GUIDI, "Linguaggio C - Guida alla programmazione", 5a edizione, McGraw-Hill, 2013
KING, "Programmazione in C", 2a edizione, Apogeo, 2008
DEMETRESCU, FINOCCHI, ITALIANO, "Algoritmi e strutture dati", 2a edizione, McGraw Hill, 2009
CORMEN, LEISERSON, RIVEST, STEIN, "Introduzione agli algoritmi e strutture dati", 3a edizione, McGraw Hill, 2010
KERNIGHAN B. W., RITCHIE D.M., Il linguaggio C, Jackson, seconda edizione, 2007.
Teaching methods
Lessons and exercises in laboratory
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam is based ona a C programming test in laboratory