cod. 1006428

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica industriale (ING-IND/10)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: At the end of the trail
teaching the student should know the basics
of the computational thermo-fluid dynamics.
The student will gain knowledge of applicative relatively
to the theme of the numerical analysis applied to heat transfer and, more generally, to
transport phenomena of energy mass and momentum involved in engineering processes.
Making judgments:
The student will have the tools to deal choices
design in the field of numerical modeling of the heat transfer devices.
Communication skills: The student will have the ability to present clearly the
procedure adopted in the numerical modeling of heat transfer devices.


To follow the course with profit requires knowledge of the basic concepts
of Thermo Fluid Dynamics.

Course unit content

The course is structured into two parts: theory and practical lessons. The
theory lectures cover the following subjects: Equations of convection. Finite volume nanalysis. Finite element analysis. Turbulence and its models. The commercial codes for Computational Thermal Fluid Dynamics.
The exercise activity is an integral part of the course and is dedicated to
numerical exercises intended as a moment of verification and clarification
the theoretical knowledge acquired in the lectures. Part of the activities
Exercise is carried out in the computer lab and is dedicated
numerical analysis applied to
problems of heat exchange and fluid flow. In order to acquire
methodological knowledge and application, this part of the course makes use
practical exercises that use the programming Matlab, Comsol Multyiphysics and Ansys environment.

Full programme

Convection Equations: Mass Conservation, Energy Conservation, Momentum Conservation. Methods of numerical solution. Solutions in primitive variables. Algorithms for incompressible fluids. Turbulent convection. Finite volume analysis: the basic idea. Discretization. Time integration. Methods of solving systems of linear equations. Thermofluidodynamic problems solutions: finite volume approach.
Finite element analysis. The basic concepts. Method of weighted residuals. Equations for the unsteady regime. Shape functions. Mapping elements. Numerical integration. Thermofluidodynamic problems solutions.
Turbulence and its models. Direct simulation of turbulence. Large Eddy Simulation. RANS models. The commercial codes for Computational Thermal Fluid Dynamics.


Fondamenti di Termofluidodinamica Computazionale, Gianni Comini, Giulio Croce Enrico Nobile, SGE Editoriali

Teaching methods

The theoretical part of the course will be illustrated by means of lectures.
Part of the practical activity is carried out in the computer lab and it also
includes an activity pursued independently by the students, followed by
an elaboration and discussion of the results.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is based on a written/practical test, performed in the computer
lab, followed by an oral examination. The verification is so weighted: 50%
written test (correct resolution of a practical exercise), 50% oral exam
(correct and cmplete ansie to theoretical questions and speaking ability).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
IIaria Magnati
T. +39 0521 906538 +39 0521 903660
Office E.
Manager E.


Course president 

Luca Collini

Career guidance delegate

Paolo Casoli