Learning objectives
- To introduce the students to geological and geophysical aspects of forces shaping the Earth surface.
- To present plate tectonics as an unifying theory explaining the geological processes.
-To examine the major geological processes associated with the principal tectonic features of the Earth
- Frame punctual analysis in a general geodynamic context
Course unit content
- Introduction and historical perspective
- Overview of plate tectonics
- Earth Morphology
- Geophysical Techniques in Tectonics
- Earth Interior and Plate Tectonics
- Divergent Margins and Rifting
- Convergent Margins
- Collisional Processes
- Anatomy of Orogenic Belts
- Case Studies of Orogenic Belts
Full programme
- Overview and introduction of plate tectonics
- Earth Morphology
- Geophysical Techniques in Tectonics
- Earth Interior and Plate Tectonics
- Divergent Margins, oceanich ridges and Rifting
- Convergent Margins
- Collisional Processes
- Subduction zones
- Anatomy of Orogenic Belts
- Strike-slip and transform faults
- Mechanisms of plate tectonics
- Implications of plate tectonics
- Case Studies of Orogenic Belts
Text Books
-Tettonica Globale, P. Keary & F. J. Vine , Zanichelli, 1994.
- Global Tectonics, P. Keary, A. Klepeis F. & J. Vine, Wiley, (Third Edition) 2009.
Reference Books
- La Tettonica delle Placche, Cox & Hart, Zanichelli, 1990.
-Tectonics, E. Moores & R.J. Twiss, Freeman & Company, NY, 1995.
- Earth Structure, B.A. Van der Pluijm & S. Marshak (2nd Ed.), Norton & Company, NY, 2004.
Additional Readings
-The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, C.M.R. Fowler, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 1990.
-Earth as an evolving Planetary System, K.C. Condie, Elsevier Academic Press, UK, 2005.
-La Subduction Oceanique, S. Lallemand, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, France, 1999.
Teaching methods
The course consists of oral lectures, practicals and homeworks
concerning Plate Tectonics and the analysis of major morpho-structural
environments occurring on the Earth surface.
Field Trips could be organized in cooperation with other undergraduated Courses
Assessment methods and criteria
The final grading will be based on oral exam, participation, practicals, homework, written exercises, and student presentation.
Other information
At the end of the course all the students will discuss a topic of global tectonics by PowerPoint presentation. The topic list will be defined by teacher.