Learning objectives
The course is offered to students of the Master's Degree and aims to train a culture and skills on monitoring environmental components through remote sensing techniques. The course aims to provide knowledge of methods to process satellite images and to analyse bio-geophysical parameter maps and environmental indicators obtained from these processes.
One of the objectives of the course will be to stimulate the use of remote sensing techniques for the understanding of different environmental problems in order to produce data useful for the knowledge of different changes in different types of ecosystems.
The course aims to develop students’ critical and self-learning skills.
Basic principles of physics
Course unit content
Overview of remote sensing, physical principles of electromagnetic radiation. Spectral signature analysis. Satellite sensors and in situ spectroradiometers. Principles of calibration and data validation. Approaches for image processing and classification techniques. Analysis of temporal and spatial variation of maps and bio-geophysical parameters extracted from satellite and airborne images. Applications of remote sensing techniques for the study of different ecosystems (in particular for aquatic environments and vegetation)
Full programme
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Brivio Pietro A., Lechi Giovanni, Zilioli Eugenio, Principi e metodi di telerilevamento, Editor: CittàStudi, Anno edizione: 2006
Volume III Il Telerilevamento. In: Collana Diffusione e sperimentazione della cartografia, del telerilevamento e dei sistemi informativi geografici come tecnologie didattiche applicate allo studio del territorio e dell'ambiente (supplied by the teacher)
The slide shown during the lessons will be made available online.
The teacher will propose supplementary material derived from his research experience (in particular scientific articles).
Teaching methods
During the lessons the fundamental concepts and methodologies of remote sensing research will be illustrated, stimulating the active intervention of the students. Different application cases for different ecosystems will be analysed. Classroom activities are planned in small groups of students to analyze and discuss emergent issues and scientific articles. During the lessons the use and operation of some software will be shown, some of which, as well as satellite images, will be available to students who will be able to put into practice the exercises carried out in the classroom.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam consists of a written test based on the entire program of the course, consisting of 32 closed questions or very short questions and 4 open questions. The closed questions are evaluated with 0.5 points; open questions with a score from 0 to 4. 0 = no answer; 1 = strongly incomplete or incorrect answer; 2 = partial answer; 3 = correct answer but incomplete or inaccurate; 4 complete answer and with appropriate language.
The vote is in thirtieths; the minimum grade is 18, the maximum is 30, the honors are awarded to students who during the course will show critical analysis of scientific articles assigned by the teacher. For students who want to improve the evaluation of the written exam, it will be possible to conduct an oral interview based on the discussion of the mistakes made in the written exam and on a topic chosen by the student.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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