cod. 1009381

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

a. Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide the basic knowledge of how management control systems work and the knowledge required for a correct approach to the macro-theme of sustainability, with particular reference to the communication of environmental sustainability. Students are therefore presented with the logic underlying the processes of costing, CVR analysis, differential analysis and the processes of drafting socio-environmental reporting documents.

b. Applying knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to interpret and design the most common analysis models related to management control systems adopted in companies, as well as to deal with studies related to quantitative determination methodologies aimed at supporting internal decision-making processes. Students will also be able to understand, design and develop strategies oriented to the communication of environmental sustainability.

c. Making judgements: Students will be able to profitably deal with the interpretative logic of management control systems in companies (with specific reference to private ones) and the identification of the most suitable tools according to the operational needs of the same. They will also be able to correctly assess the strategic and operational processes to be put in place for an adequate sustainability communication process.

d. Communication skills: At the end of the course, students will have acquired the ability to analyse problems, interpersonal skills and the ability to express their conclusions regarding studies and analyses in writing and orally, effectively and in appropriate language, to various interlocutors, clearly explaining their reasoning. The acquisition of communication skills is achieved through the active participation of the students in exercises and case study activities as well as through the presentation of the results of individual or group work on topics or cases proposed by the lecturers. The acquisition of communication skills is also verified during the final examination.

e. Learning skills: the course aims to foster student learning through a correct approach to individual and group study and through the guided development of discussion of business cases addressed in the classroom (physical or virtual).



Course unit content

The course aims to provide the tools to support operational decision-making processes through the transmission of the basic topics related to the structure and functioning of management control systems and the understanding, as well as communication, of environmental sustainability. The student, therefore, will acquire knowledge on the following issues: the management control system; general accounting and analytical accounting (relationships, characteristics and purposes); the concept of cost and its classifications; cost configurations; accounting systems for cost recognition (direct costing and full costing); systems for calculating product cost (cost centre accounting and activity based costing); cost-volume-results analysis (CVR); differential analysis; environmental sustainability and tools for communicating sustainability and corporate environmental responsibility. For better learning, cases, exercises and testimonials will be offered during the course.

Full programme

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Cinquini L., Cost management, Vol. 1, Torino, Giappichelli, 2017.
Balluchi F. e Furlotti K. (a cura di), La responsabilità sociale delle imprese. Un percorso verso lo sviluppo sostenibile. Profili di governance e di accountability, Seconda edizione, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022.
Didactic material by teachers.

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: frontal lessons (in person or via streaming).
Acquisition of the ability to apply knowledge: exercises and case studies.
Acquisition of autonomy of judgment: testimonies and discussions in the classroom (physical or virtual).
Acquisition of learning skills: guided development of exercises and case studies in the classroom.
Acquisition of technical language: during the teaching the meaning of commonly used terms will be explained and the discussions in the classroom (physical or virtual) are aimed at encouraging the correct use of the learned terminologies.

In the event that, due to the needs related to the extension of the COVID-19 emergency, the course is delivered electronically, the lessons delivered through distance learning will be delivered in synchronous and/or asynchronous streaming and will be subject to registration through the Microsoft Teams platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of learning abilities will be carried out by means of a written exam, through which the student will be asked to elaborate on the knowledge acquired during the course by answering open questions (broad and short) and solving cases concerning the application of cost accounting methodologies.
In particular, knowledge, ability to communicate in appropriate technical language and autonomy of judgement will be assessed by means of a written test (to be completed in one hour and thirty minutes) consisting of the following
- 2 broad open-ended questions (marked 14 points, 7 each),
- 8 short open-ended questions (individual assessment 1 point).
The ability to apply the knowledge will be assessed by means of an application exercise (overall assessment 10 points).
The assessment of learning will also take the form of group or individual work in the classroom, discussions of business cases, the writing of essays or reports on operational cases.
The assessment of learning may take into account the taking of tests during the course (specific information will be provided at the beginning of the course).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

The course, in its part dedicated to environmental sustainability, examines the contribution of companies to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Goals for sustainable development. Company strategies and processes are therefore investigated based on a logic of economic, social and environmental sustainability for current and future generations.