cod. 08718

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia patologica (MED/08)
Scienze e tecniche di laboratorio biomedico
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main purpose of this course is to provide the theoretical bases of pathology related to the practical activity as a Biomedical Laboratory Technician.


The main prerequisites are: knowledge of histology, anatomy and general pathology. In addition, the student must have taken part in the training at the anatomic pathology laboratory.

Course unit content

Being aware of the practical actions performed in an atomic pathology laboratory.

Full programme

Generalities of pathology
Grading and staging of a tumor
Autopsy in adult life and of neonatal/fetal life: definition, applications, diagnostic techniques.
Theoretical bases and diagnostic techniques of anatomic pathology relevant to: digestive system pathology, respiratory system pathology, cardiovascular pathology, urinary system pathology, genital apparatus of both genders pathology, bone and soft tissue pathology, head and neck pathology, breast pathology, skin pathology, central nervous system pathology.
Cytopathology: generalities and main uses (thyroid, lungs, effusions, cervix, urine).


Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th Edition

Rubin's Pathology, 7e Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine

Cardillo Maria Rosaria "Nozioni di tecniche diagnostiche di Anatomia Patologica" Antonio Delfino Editore

Teaching methods

Theoretical and practical lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

Achievement of learning outcomes will be verified by means of a final oral exam, whose score will be expressed in thirtieth; the minimal threshold to pass the exam will be 18/30, the best mark will be represented by 30/30 “cum laude”. By means of a series of questions touching a wide variety of topics treated during the course, the global level of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical subjects, as well as the ability to logically think and connect related topics, will be verified.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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