cod. 23317

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Geologia stratigrafica e sedimentologica (GEO/02)
Ingegneria ambientale e del territorio
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The purpose of the course, in its first section, is to review the basic notions of the Earth’s geology, with a preliminary introduction of the modern geology assumptions and plate tectonics basis. These concepts will then, be used to describe the minerals, the rocks and all the natural phenomena that influence their genesis and modifications. In its second portion, the course will deal with the geological and geotechnical survey techniques, along with the in situ testing that are normally used as a base for the geological and geotechnical reports. These reports are, in fact, the mandatory requirement for the definition of any civil and environmental design. Furthermore, the course will deal with the modern concepts of geological and geotechnical monitoring, discussing the latest instrumentation available, their application techniques as well as the analysis required for data validation. Finally, the attention will be focused on the latest techniques for the application of these monitoring results as tools in the observational design approach and in the development of early warning systems.
Applying knowledge, understanding and making judgments:
There will be theoretical lessons regarding the course topics, enriched with applied examples. Exercises or laboratory hours are not foreseen, but the students will be actively involved in the applied example presentation, in order to stimulate their interest for the discipline and to improve their informed initiative.
Communication skills:
The student will have to demonstrate its knowledge of the topics during the oral examination (alternatively the exam could be a descriptive written report, to be carried out during two hours class time). During the exam, some theoretical aspects of the first and second portion of the course, will be discussed. After this theoretical discussion, a specific design scenario will be presented to the student and he will be expected to address informed choices regarding the most appropriate survey techniques and in situ testing. In some other cases, a monitoring scenario will be presented and the student will be required to choose and design the most appropriate system.



Course unit content

Formation of a planet
Continental drift: the unifying theory
The minerals: “bricks of the rocks”
The rocks: witnesses of geological processes
Igneus rocks
Internal Phenomenon: Volcanism
External Phenomenon: Degradation and erosion
Sediments and sedimentary rocks
Metamorphic rocks
Folds, faults and deformations in rocks
The earthquakes
On site surveys – Typology, instrumentations and machines
One site tests – Execution and interpretation
Remote Monitoring – techniques and instruments
Remote Monitoring Data analysis and validation
Contact Monitoring. Instruments and features
Monitoring: Design, data storage and statistical analysis
Early Warning Systems

Full programme

First Part
Formation of a planet
Aspects of geology, Planetary system origin, the Earth as an evolving planet, continental drift theory, the geological time concept, the scientific methodology
Continental drift: the unifying theory
An overview, the plate puzzle; movement velocity of the plates; Geometry of the plates mechanics; lithological associations and plate tectonics; Microplates terrains and tectonics; the big reconstruction; the tectonic engine.
The minerals: “bricks of the rocks”
What are the minerals? Atomic structure of the materials; Chemical reactions; Gain and loss of electrons; Sharing of electrons; The periodic table of elements; Chemical binds; Atomic structure of minerals; the minerals forming rocks; physical properties of minerals; chemical properties of minerals.
The rocks: witnesses of geological processes
Igneus rocks; Sedimentary rocks; Metamorphic rocks, Chemical structure of the rocks; where the rocks can be observed? The lithogenetic cycle.
Igneus rocks
Main type of igneus rocks; origins of magma; the magmatic differentiation; The Bowen reaction series; Types of magmatic intrusions.
Internal Phenomenon: Volcanism
Volcano deposits; Types of eruptions; the global distribution of volcanos; the volcano and the human society.
External Phenomenon: Degradation and erosion
Geological and Geographical factors of the weathering; Chemical alteration; Physical disgregation; the soil as a residual of weathering; the weathering as a source of sediments.
Sediments and sedimentary rocks
The raw material of the sediments: particles and solutions; sediment transportation; sedimentation: the end of the trip; Diagenesis and lithification; Classification of the sediments and of the sedimentary rocks; Stratification and sedimentary structures; clastic sediments and clastic rocks; Chemical and biochemical sediments and rocks.
Metamorphic rocks
Physical and chemical factors of metamorphism, types of metamorphism, metamorphic structures, regional metamorphism and metamorphic degree; Contact metamorphism, plate tectonic and metamorphism.
Folds, faults and deformations in rocks
On site data analysis, how the rocks are deforming? Folds; how the rocks are breaking? Faults; reconstruction of the geological history; influence of the deformations on the landscape of the Earth.
The earthquakes
What’s an earthquake? The study of earthquakes; the big picture: earthquakes and plate tectonics; destruction power of earthquakes.

Seconda Parte
On site surveys – Typology, instrumentations and machines
Investigation programme; Observational method; Methods of investigation; Trial pits; Auger boring; Percussion boring; Rotary boring; Stabilization of boreholes; Characteristics of samplers; Data representation.
One site tests – Execution and interpretation
Standard Penetration Test SPT; Cone Penetration Test (CPT and CPTU); Marchetti dilatometer; Field Vane Test; Pressuremeter test; Plate load test; Shallow seismic exploration test; Geoelectrical surveys; Permeability Test, Data interpretation.
Remote Monitoring – techniques and instruments
Slope monitoring introduction, role and objectives; main technologies and tools for remote sensing activities: Photogrammetry, Topography, GPS, Laser Scanner, Satellite and Groud-Based SAR Interferometry; Operating principles and practical applications.
Remote Monitoring Data analysis and validation
Digital images analysis and elaboration, ground truth/on-site validation, maps creation from remote sensing images; Integration with Geographic Information System software (GIS), main uses and applications.
Contact Monitoring. Instruments and features
Monitoring definition; Objectives; Sensors; Inclinometers; Clinometers; Load cells; Pressure cells; Crackmeters and Jointmeters; Multipoint borehole extensometers; Incremental extensometers; Fixed extensometers; Piezometers; Direct and inverted Pendulus, Innovative instruments (Mums, Dms, Saa, Ais, Liquid level systems).
Monitoring: Design, data storage and statistical analysis
Planning monitoring programs (structures, landslides and underground excavations), Automated Systems, Cloud computing, Data storage, Data representation platform, Statistical analysis of data.
Early Warning Systems
Early Warning structure and main components: design, monitoring, forecasting, response; focus on failure forecasting methods and alert threshold assessment; Early Warning System in Italy, real time and deferred time.


Press F., Siever R. – Capire la terra – Ed. Italiana a cura di Lupia Palmieri E., Parlotto M. – Zanichelli Edizioni

Ippolito F., Nocotera P., Lucini P., Civita M., De Riso R. (1975) – “Geologia tecnica per ingegneri e geologi” , ISEDI, Milano.

Dunnicliff J. – “Geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring field performance” (1993) – John Wiley & Sons

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Written or oral verification regarding:
- Theoretical questions about the first portion of the course (knowledge) 40%
-Theoretical questions about the second portion of the course(knowledege) 40%
- Applications of the methodologies described in the second part of the course to real situations (competence) 20%

Other information

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